
"That's the worst of girls," said Edmund to Peter and the Dwarf. "They never can carry a map in their heads." --CS Lewis, Prince Caspian

Absolute Direction[]

Cost: 5 or 10 points

Absolute Direction is a mundane mental physical advantage that grants an excellent sense of direction.

  • Absolute Direction (5 points): Always know which way is north and retrace paths you made less then a month ago. Gives +3 to Body Sense and Navigation (Land, sea, or air)


Limitations: Requires Signal -20%

This advantage is also referenced in GURPS Fantasy, p. 128, on its use underground; GURPS Magic, p. 135, in the description of the Disorient spell; and GURPS Space, p. 219, on its applicability in hyperspace.

3D Spatial Sense[]

3D Spatial Sense [10 points]: Absolute Direction in 3D space, with same bonuses to Body Sense and Navigation, plus a +1 to Piloting and +2 to Aerobatics, Free Fall, and Navigation (Hyperspace or Space)

Character Templates[]

Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense appears in the following character templates:

Racial Templates[]

Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense appears in the following racial templates:

Bestiary Entry[]

Absolute Direction or 3D Spatial Sense appears in the following bestiary entries:

Kromm Quotes[]

Sean Punch has commented on Absolute Direction in the following posts on the SJG GURPS Forums:

  • On identifying Absolute Direction versus 3D Spatial Sense by name [1]
  • On whether 3D Spatial Sense is realistic for humans [2]
  • On its inclusion in the Minotaur template [3]

See Also[]
