The following are adaptations or conversions to GURPS
Original fansites and material/worlds are under Fansites or GURPS Netbooks
Pages with other types of links are at Program and Site Hub

When possible the last year the site was updated is provided; generally anything before 2004 is for GURPS Classic. Due to the age of some of these the original links are gone and an Internet Archive link is used instead with the year the site was last updated noted (IA).

The archive at gurpnet in the Worlds folders has a host of Adaptations and Conversions some of which may have been made redundant by actual GURPS books or more up to date material.

Redundant Material[]


GURPS Adaptations gives tips on how to do your own adaptations

  • GURPS 3x3 Eyes (IA, 1999)
  • Aliens: Souless Killers (IA, 1999): This Netbook is a GURPS Adaptation of the Alien movie universe in cooperation with the Colony.
  • Barsoom (IA, 1999): Role-playing in Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars setting. See also Classic: Mars
  • Battlestar Galactica (Missiledineโ€™s Space used a replacement as the original is totally dead - even to IA, very light on GURPS related information, 2020): A PBEM in the Battlestar Galactica universe.
  • Dune (IA, 1997): This Netbook of descriptions and rules alterations is for a GURPS Space campaign based on the Dune series of novels by Frank Herbert. It incorporates elements from Classic: Cyberpunk, Classic: Martial Arts, GURPS Martial Arts Adventures and GURPS Vehicles (1st Edition).
  • Elder Scrolls: GURPS (TES:G)
  • The Eye of Joyful Sitting Amongst Friends - GURPS material: world of Tekumel
  • Godzilla (IA, 2010-03-15, Classic): In the course of nearly three dozen films starring Godzilla and his antagonists, Toho Studios has created an exciting universe, full of things to do that don't involve 300 foot monsters stepping on your character's head. This Netbook is an attempt to explore that universe and suggest ideas to the imaginative GM.
  • Harry Potter (IA, 2002): The complete GURPS Harry Potter Netbook.
  • Matrix (IA, Classic): Resistance fighters now regularly hack into The Matrix and the numbers of Zion are growing. Some would say the hope of freeing humanity is becoming a reality.
  • GURPS Mummy: reimaginaring of White Wolf's Mummy: The Resurrection with heavy revisions to bring it in line with 4e
  • Octopus Carnival: GURPS Dragonโ€™s Dogma, GURPS X-COM Play Reports, and Pathfinder Adventure Path with GURPS conversion notes
  • Planescape (4e; 2005-May-12 - rules; 2012-November-22 - site): This Netbook provides rules and character templates for GURPS adventures in the Planescape universe.
  • Skyrealms of Jorune (IA, 1994): Downloadable Netbooks for role-playing in the Skyrealms of Jorune in many different game systems.
  • GURPS STAR TREK - Captain Joy's original series era Star Trek website
  • GURPS Thundarr: (so minimal that the guts are on the page)
  • X-files (IA, 2003-04-04): zip files
  • Weird Sun (IA, Aug 4, 2009): Homebrew SF-meets-magic kitchen sink setting for GURPS, inspired by RIFTS.

Conversion From Other RPGs[]

  • Albedo (1994): A guide to role-playing in the Albedo Universe using GURPS rules.
  • D&D to GURPS: A more generalized conversion of D&D to GURPS to allow D&D modules to be used in GURPS
  • Dark Conspiracy (2004) This Netbook gives notes for running the Dark Conspiracy setting - one of the first games of modern horror, and one with a less intrusive background than many of its successors - under the GURPS rules.
  • Hardpoint (04.02.2006): Mostly, it's the careers from Warhammer Fantasy converted to GURPS rules, but there is also a magic system that is more suitable for the Warhammer world.
  • HรขrnWorld for GURPS 4th ed (10 Dec 2011) The author's take on how to run the world of Hรขrn under GURPS. links to other materials including Michael Cule's article in Roleplayer 26 and the very fragmentary Hรขrn World (1997)
  • GURPS Kalamar (IA, 2003): The original Kingdoms of Kalamar material was clearly intended for use with Dungeons & Dragons, but with this Netbook you can now play in this detailed world using GURPS.
  • Pathfinder (IA; not really a conversion): Despite having the GURPS name attached this is largely Pathfinder 2.1 taken straight from the original file with little to no conversion. For example, ship specs use "Hardpoints" a nonsensical term in GURPS (it is regular DR, harded DR, or something else?)
  • GURPS Shadow World (IA, 2006-01-01)
  • Shadowrun (Classic): The complete Netbook on running the shadows with GURPS.
  • Shadowrun to GURPS conversion
  • Spelljammer (IA, Classic): This Netbook provides guidelines for Spelljammer and Spelljamming with GURPS.
  • GURPS Star Trek (IA, 2002-03-11)
  • GURPS Star Wars: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. A great adventure took place in the Star Wars universe."
  • Stargate SG-13 (IA, PDF, 2006): Downloadable Netbook for exploring the world of Stargate SG-1.
  • Suikoden (IA; 31/08/2007; Spanish - Use Google Translate Web for English versions of pages) A Netbook to play in the Suikoden World (a RPG PS & PS2 game of Konami). With new magic rules (using runes) and battle rule for armies.
  • Universe (IA, 2001): Several downloadable Netbooks that convert SPI's old science-fiction role-playing game Universe.
  • Weird Realm (IA, 2010): A collection of Netbooks with conversions for Chivalry and Sorcery, Empire of the Petal Throne, The Fantasy Trip, and C.J. Carella's WitchCraft.

Other Sources[]
