
Addiction (B122) is a variable-cost category of mundane disadvantages which can be classified as mental or physical.

The value this disadvantage depends on the cost, effects, and legality of the substance. Generally when listed for NPCs further detail is given.

Chemical vs Non-Chemical[]

The opening sentence specifies "addicted to a drug", however a later substance on Non-Chemical Addictions broadens the disadvantage category.

If viewed collectively as "Addictions" then the default category could be retroactively given a more specific name like Chemical Addiction or Drug Addiction. Usually however when listed on a sheet it will just say Addiction (X).


When mind/body swaps occur it's important to know if it is a mental or physical trait, which could lead to some confusion if this isn't listed for NPCs. Most likely if it's part of a racial template it'd be physical and if it's part of a class template (like H27 Aristocrat) it'd be mental.

Combining with other disadvantages[]

Horror 23 talks about how it's legal to have both Addiction (Vampire Bites) and Uncontrollable Appetite (Vampire Bites) simultaneously.

H144 mentions how "Addictive Disorder" can involve combining this with Lecherousness or Compulsive Gambling or Alcholism


H27 mentions that Withdrawal from an addiction counts as stress in the notes under Panic Attacks.

inflicting addictions on others[]

H21 has Addictive Bite for Leech. Otherwise Affliction (disadvantage) could work. Terror can also cause mental disadvantages on failed Fright Check rolls.


Per Day Cost[]

  • Cheap (0.1% starting wealth): -5 points
  • Expensive (up to 0.5% starting wealth): -10 points.
  • Very expensive (> 0.5% starting wealth): -20 points.


  • Incapacitating or hallucinogenic: -10 points.
  • Highly addictive (-5 on withdrawal roll): -5 points.
  • Totally addictive (-10 on withdrawal roll): -10 points.


The default assumption it is illegal, a legal substance is +5 points, meaning a


It is referenced in:

  1. Fantasy, p. 132, on nympholepsy;
  2. Magic, p. 92, in the description of the Relieve Addiction spell;
  3. Space, p. 220, on addiction to virtual reality, psionic contact, or direct pleasure stimulation;
  4. Thaumatology, p. 63, on addiction to magic, and p. 94, on addiction to spiritual energies.


  • H27 "Addiction (Chain Smoking) [-5]," under Attorney is derived from the B122 example of tobacco: it's -5 on withdrawal rolls (highly addictive -5 pts) and legal +5 and cheap -5.

Kromm Quotes[]

Sean Punch has commented on Addiction in the following posts to the SJG GURPS Forums:

See Also[]
