Advantages as Enhancements is the idea of converting the value of an advantage into an enhancement on another ability. Examples of these include:
- incendiary which is a Follow-Up enhanced Burning Attack
- this has a fixed value yet a scaling cost, so it would probably make sense just to apply this to the first level of a multi-level carrier
- Thrusting Blade which is a Cutting Attack at 1/5 price due to being an Alternative Attack
- this has a scaling cost appropriate to an unfixed value, the cutting does more as the thrust does more
- Ammo Options is 1 or 2 Alternative Attacks for various piercing permutations
- it has an option to make it cost an attack to switch, not a free action as usual
- Psionic Powers has various techniques meant to be Temporary Enhancements yet which clearly are advantages
- Diffuse has Swarm which functions much like Insubstantiality