
Alchemy Elixirs can be powerful magic in their own right.

Elixirs in bold originally appeared in the Roleplayer #13 article "Historical Alchemical Elixirs for GURPS Magic"

Elixirs can be turned into magic items called Alchemical Charms (to separate them from other forms of Charms)

A "?" or N/G is due to the reference not providing that information.

An alternative version (conditional spell ala "bottle magic") appears in Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic[1]

Elixir Price[]

Paut is the only elixir to have a price expressly affected by Tech Level (GURPS Thaumatology) though it may be logical to assume this is true of all Elixirs.

Based on Thaumatology recommendation of 1/30 of Standard Starting Wealth one gets this table using GURPS Magic's TL3 as the baseline.

TL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Starting Wealth $500 $750 $1k $2k $5k $10k $15k $20k $30k $50k $75k $100k
$5 $7.50 $10 $20 $50 $100 $150 $200 $300 $500 $750 $1000
Retail Cost
$16โ…” $25 $33โ…“ $66โ…” $166โ…” $333โ…“ $500 $666โ…” $10k $16โ…”k $25k $33โ…“k

Since Classic had a Paut dose cost $700 at TL2 while GURPS Thaumatology had it only $33โ…“ at the same level one should assume the cost tables in Classic are over inflating the cost of elixirs. A rough rule of thumb is an elixir costs $33 for each day to make at TL3. Batch production reduces this cost.


Market Values are common-magic setting/rare magic settings

Animal Control Elixirs[]

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Beast-Speech Beast Speech 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 2d minutes $300 $850/$1350
Bird Control Animal Control 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 3dx5 minutes $200 $550/$900
Dragonslaying None 4 weeks Alchemy-1 Pastille Instant $100+Dragon blood ($500) $1,300/$2,000
Horsemanship None 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Ointment 2d hours $50 $250/$500

Combat Abilities Elixirs[]

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Battle Bravery 2 weeks Alchemy-2 Any but pastille 1 hour $150 $350/$700
Endurance None 6 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1d hours $300 $1,400/$2,400
Fetching and Carrying None 1 week Alchemy-1 Any 1d+1 hours $200 $300/$400
Invulnerability None 6 weeks Alchemy-4 Any but pastille 1d+1 hours $1,000 $2,100/$3,100
Leadership None 7 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1d hours $400 $1,650/$2,850
Speed Haste 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 3dx4 minutes $200 $550/$850
Stealth None 3 weeks Alchemy-2 Any 1 hour $300 $500/$2,000
Strength Might 2 weeks Alchemy-2 Any but pastille 1 hour $100 $250/$500

Cosmetic Elixirs[]

Unless noted otherwise these Elixirs appear in Classic: Technomancer. Market Value for Technomancer Elixirs is per Industrial Alchemy.

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Body Oil Illusion N/G Alchemy-? Ointment 2d hours N/G $7,500; MI2 69
Hair Growth Hair Growth 1 week Alchemy Ointment only Permeant $40 $83.40
Hair Removal Haircut 1/2 week Alchemy Ointment only Permeant $30 $61.75
Rapunzelโ€™s Shampoo Hair Growth N/G Alchemy-? Ointment only Permeant N/G $18,500; MI2 69
Sunblock None 1/2 week Alchemy Ointment only 4 hours $20 $41.75; Technomancer p 49
Tooth Care None 1/2 week Alchemy Ointment only 1 month $20 $41.75; Technomancer p 50
Weight Loss None 12 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion only Permeant $1,000 $3540.00; Technomancer p 50

Hostile Elixirs[]

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Aging None 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Permanent $300 $825/$1,350
Death None 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Instant $100 $500/$800
Disease Potion N/G Alchemy-? N/G Normal N/G $75,000
Fear Fear 1 week Alchemy-1 Any
As Fear Spell $50 $225/$400
Foolishness Foolishness 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille
1d hours
1d minutes
$150 $500/$850
Frustration Curse 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any One day $100 $650/$1,150
Hatred None 1 week Alchemy-1 Any 1 hour $125 $300/$500
Jealousy None 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1d hours $50 $400/$750
Lecherousness None; disadvantage 10 days Alchemy-1 Any 1d hours $200 $500/$700
Madness Madness 1 week Alchemy-1 Any 1d hours $100 $200/$400
Odium None 4 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1d+2 hours $300 $1,000/$1,700
Self-Love None 4 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1d+1 hours $20 $750/$1,450
Unluckiness None; disadvantage 6 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 1 day $400 $1,600/$3,000
Weakness Debility 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille
1d hours $50 $400/$700

Magical Abilities Elixirs[]

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Attractiveness None 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 2d+1 hours $100 $600/$1,000
Balzacโ€™s Ink Special; Great Wish 25 weeks Alchemy-10 Liquid Permeant $50,000 $250,000 per dose
Fire Resistance Fire Resistance 1 week Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 1d hours $300 $500/$700.
Flight Flight 10 weeks Alchemy-3 Any but pastille 1 hour $500 $3,000/$4,700
Gambling Bless with Limit 4 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion or powder 1 hour $200 $900+
Invisibility Invisibility 16 weeks Alchemy-4 Potion or ointment 1dx10 minutes $1,000 $3,000/$6,000
Levitational Salts Levitation 15 weeks Alchemy-1 Potion Only during night time $1,000 $3,700 per dose;
Alchemical Baroque
Luck Luck 6 weeks Alchemy-3 Any form 2d game-hours $200 $1,300/$2,300
Magic Resistance Magic Resistance 5 weeks Alchemy-3 Any 1 hour $500 $1,600/$3,200
Pain Resistance Resist Pain; advantage 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 1 hour $200 $600/$1,000
Paut Manastone/Powerstone 10 days Alchemy-3 Potion, special Instant Varies Based on TL
Transformation Shapeshifting 12 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 2d hours $800 $3,000/$5,000
True Sight Aura 4 weeks Alchemy-2 Any but pastille 1d minutes $200 $550/$1,300
Water Breathing Breathe Water 5 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion only 1d hours $50 $600/$1,100
Water-Walking Walk on Water 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 3dx4 minutes $150 $700/$1,200

Medical Elixirs[]

Medical Elixirs also include Health and Necromatic (in italics) Elixirs.

Name Spell Equivalent Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Alchemical Antidote None 2 weeks Alchemy-3 Any but pastille Instant $250 $400/$1,000
Awakening Awakening 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Instant $150 $500/$900
Birth Control 1/2 week Alchemy Powder or potion 3 months $10 $21.75
Eternal Rest 4 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion or ointment Permanent $2,000 $4,100/$6,200
Fertility 20 weeks Alchemy-5 Any but pastille 1 hour $1,500 $6,000/$11,000
Final Rest Final Rest 2 weeks Alchemy Potion or powder 1 week $100 $103.50
Alchemical Growth Hormone None 2 weeks Alchemy-2 Injection Permanent $1,500 $10,000 per dose
MI3 76
Healing Minor/Major Healing 1 week Alchemy-1 Any but pastille Instant $50 $120/$250
Health Cure Disease 4 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion only Instant $200 $750/$1,200
Hybridization 10 weeks Alchemy-4 Powder or potion 1 mating $500 $2,250/$4,000
Lichdom used in conjunction with Lich Spell. 50 weeks Alchemy-7 Potion Special $13,500 Illegal in most areas
Long Slumber Sleep 25 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Indefinite $4,500 $9,000/$14,000
Mummy Powder 2 weeks Alchemy-0 Powder 1 week $800 $3,000; MI3 79
Orcbalm N/G Alchemy-? Ointment Instant N/G $500 per dose
Reanimation Summon Spirit/Death Vision 12 weeks Alchemy-3 Ointment only One question $2,000 $4,100/$6,200
Regeneration Regeneration 20 weeks Alchemy-4 Ointment only Permanent $300 $5,000/$11,000.
Resurrection Resurrection 50 weeks Alchemy-6 Potion only Permanent. $12,000 $25,000/$40,000
Sleep Sleep 1 week Alchemy-1 Any 16-HT hours $50 $120/$250.
Tranquility None 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 2d hours $100 $500/$900
Universal Antidote None 2 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion or powder 8 hours $350 $750/$1,150
Youth Youth 50 weeks Alchemy-9 Potion only Permanent $6,000 $25,000/$60,000+

Mental Abilities Elixirs[]

Name Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Charisma 3 weeks Alchemy-2 Any but pastille 1d hours $100 $350/$550
Hardheartedness 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Potion only 2d hours $100 $500/$1,000
Memory 6 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1 hour $400 $1,500/$2,500
Foresight 10 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Instant $200 $2,000/$3,700
Wisdom 5 weeks Alchemy-2 Potion or powder 1 hour $600 $1,500/$2,400

Mental Control Elixirs[]

Name Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Drunkenness 3 days Alchemy-1 Powder only
(in wine)
1d hours $100 $130/$300
Friendship 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille
1d hours
3d minutes
$300 $550/$1,000
Forgetfulness 3 weeks Alchemy-4 Potion only 1 hour $100 $700/$1,200
Gullibility 2 weeks Alchemy-1 Any but pastille 1d hours $150 $500/$900
Love 3 weeks Alchemy-1 Any Permanent $600 $900/$2,000
Truth 4 weeks Alchemy-1 Any 1 hour $200 $1,100/$2,000

Skill and Physical Abilities Elixirs[]

Name Time to
Default Form Duration Material
Market Value
Craftsmanship 4 weeks Alchemy-2 Any 1d hours $40 $1,100/$1,800
Keen Sight 10 days Alchemy-1 Ointment only 3dx5 minutes $250 $400/$700
Music 4 days Alchemy-1 Any but pastille
1d hours
2d minute
$150 $300/$400

Additional Information[]

