
Alcoholism is a physical, mundane disadvantage. This character has a real problem with alcohol, and will partake in it often. Any time they're around alcohol, they roll Will to avoid partaking. Binging is common.[1]

It is worth -15 if alcohol if legal or -20 points if illegal.

As a Quirk[]

It is a quirk if one overindulges under specific circumstances but they don’t have to roll in the presence of all alcohol, for withdrawal, or for longterm decline.

Realistic vs Cinematic[]

In plenty of settings (such as Dungeon Fantasy, most Action adventures, Monster Hunters, etcetera), realistic alcoholism would bring the setting to an abrupt halt--it can be distracting, debilitating, and can take a lot of effort to get rid of. As such, cinematic versions of alcoholism are better modeled by Compulsive Behavior--a character will drink when they can, make mistakes, get hangovers etc, but won't risk binge-drinking, blacking out, or waking up with amnesia unless the player wishes to do so for dramatic purposes. In short, realistic alcoholism is a whole ordeal, while cinematic drinking is, at worst, a habit that gets you drunkenness penalties.


  • Mysteries, p. 108, on its suitableness for investigator characters.

Kromm Quotes[]

Sean Punch has commented on Alcoholism in the following posts to the SJG GURPS Forums:

See Also[]


  1. Basic Set, p. 122-123