This skill requires specialization |
Defaults: IQ-6, Paleontology (Paleoanthropology)-2, or Sociology-3.
Anthropology (IQ/Hard) is the skill regarding the science of evolution and culture. Requires specialization.
Kromm Quotes[]
Sean Punch has commented on Anthropology in the following posts to the SJG GURPS Forums:
- As a component of Science! wildcard skill [1]
- As a component of Learned! wildcard skill [2]
George Brown Goode of the Smithsonian wanted for “the collections (of the Smithsonian) to form a museum of anthropology, the word anthropology being applied in its most comprehensive sense”[1]
At first glance this would seem to be bigger then Science! but if one bases it on the actual content of the 20 museums Smithsonian it narrows down and forms a really bizarre wildcard skill.
In all cases Anthropology! would not grant the skills need to make things the museums display. For example Design History only allows the knowledge regarding history of design; it doesn't provide the skill to actually design anything.
See Also[]
- Basic Set pg 175
- ↑ Alexander, Edward P. (1983) Museum Masters - Their Museums and Their Influence (American Association for State and Local History) pg 288.