
Aspected Mana is mana is mana that provides a bonus to “aspected to” spells but penalty to spells it is “aspected against”.[1][2][3]

These bonuses can be higher/lower effective skill level (with Continuous Mana) or even broad mana levels.

Unaspected is the term used to refer to classic mana which treats all colleges and mages equally.


At a very simplistic level Sanctity can be viewed a special form of "Aspected Mana"

How an Area Becomes Aspected[]

Actions perforated in an area can result in the mana there becoming aspected.

A cemetery would likely become death aspected while a hospital would likely become life aspected. A place where a great battle occurred would likely come aspected to damage dealing spells.

Religious ceremonies can aspect mana toward the deity's domain.

F44 discusses this under Changes in Aspect mentioning the Law of Similarity.

Aspect groupings[]

Although in theory any combination of aspecting to various college combinations can be constucted, Fantasy gives several basic themes of opposites:

In the case of the four elemental groups, exceptions are made for Destroy/Control spells vs elementals, where there are penalties instead of bonuses

Elemental aspecting functions specially for One-College mages: same-aspect gets 50% increase in bonus compared to normal magery, and opposite-aspect gets double the usual penalties that a normal mage would suffer for those spells.

F44 refers to "aspected manasheds" connected by ley lines.

See also[]


  1. GURPS Classic Magic pg 94
  2. GURPS Fantasy pg 43-45
  3. GURPS Thaumatology pg 59