
per Kromm in Knowing Your Own Strength:

Real-world sources tend to express strength in terms of human norms; e.g.,
“A chimp has twice human strength”
“The average woman is 2/3 as strong as the average man.”
In such cases, assume the speaker is comparing to ST 10

Compare to B14:

A score of 10 in any attribute is free,
and represents the human average

"Human average" would not be "human male average". If there were equal amounts of males and females, and males averaged at ST 11 and females averaged at ST 9, that would create an average ST of 10.

"Human strength" isn't exactly "strong as the average man". If the average woman is ST 8 and the average man is ST 10, that would make the average human ST 9 and ST 10 representing human male average, not human average.

Instead of BL 13/20 for ST 8/10, having BL 16/24 for ST 9/11 is actually a PERFECT 2/3 ratio
