The term basic sexual techniques is used under the Fade to Black section of Social Engineering page 29.
This is described as either a DX roll or an Erotic Art +5 roll.
B192 defaults Erotic Art to DX-5 so this is a distinction which will not matter for average people who lack Talent or Dabbler or a skill point in Erotic Art. Where this distinction does matter:
- those with Killjoy : this is a penalty to Erotic Art but NOT to DX, so Killjoys could still perform the DX rolls unpenalized
- Flexibility adds a bonus to Erotic Art, but not to raw DX rolls in general
- a "Flexible Killjoy" has bonus/penalty cancellation which affects nothing
- those who are incompetent with Erotic Art would default to DX-9, meaning a +5 technique is DX-4, so it would be preferable to roll against raw DX
- Erotic Art may default to Acrobatics at the same -5 as DX, so those who have bought Acrobatics above DX would want to default to their "free" erotic art points
See also[]
- advanced sexual techniques: an EA roll, can't be a DX roll at all