Beats are a variant on Feint where they can be based on ST instead of DX. They are limited in that they target a specific limb or weapon, but have added utility in that they do not just inhibit defenses against the beater/feinter but affect that type of defense against anybody.
"Skilled teams can pull off some really powerful moves when working together. A bruiser can beat down a big bad's defense so a speedy attacker can hit them somewhere vital. You see this tactic in high-adventure worldlines where big bads are more common. Corporate has encouraged us to not mention the presence of big bads in the brochures for the more "pulp" themed worldlines, of course." --Dr. Tailor
Kromm in Oct 2006 at
- if you spend a second pressing his weapon out of line (a valid Feint)
This was prior to the 2007 debut of 4e's copy of MA which introduced the Beat.
Normal feints do not appear to require contact whereas Beats do.