
Cost: 5/level

A Burning Attack (burn) inflicts damage using flame, an energy beam, or localized electrical burns. It can be an Innate Attack

Powers Built From Burning Attack[]

Built-In Firearms[]

GURPS Powers groups these Burning Attacks along with Piercing Attacks under Built-In Firearms.[1]

Name Percentage Components Cost Page
Blaster Pistol (+265%) Burning Attack 3d; Accurate +2; Armor Divisor (5); Increased 1/2D x20 and Max x10; Rapid Fire; Surge [55] 136
Blaster Rifle (+310%) Burning Attack 6d (Accurate +9; Armor Divisor (5); Increased 1/2D and Max; Rapid Fire; Surge) [123] 135
Flamethrower (+105% Burning Attack 3d (Armor Divisor (0.5); Cyclic, 10 seconds, 3 cycles; Increased Range 4; Jet; Limited Use, 10 uses, Slow Reload) [31] 135
Laser Pistol (+210%) Burning Attack 3d (Accurate +3; Armor Divisor (2); Increased 1/2D x20 and Max x10, Rapid Fire, RoF 10, Selective Fire [47] 135-136
Laser Rifle (+260%) Burning Attack 5d (Accurate +11; Armor Divisor (2); Increased 1/2D x50 and Max x20; Rapid Fire, RoF 10, Selective Fire) [90] 136

Elemental Attacks[]

GURPS Powers groups these Burning Attacks under Elemental Attacks.[2]


Name Percentage Components Cost Page
Arc (+40%) Burning Attack 7d (Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry; Side Effect, Stunning; Surge; Variable) [49]
Call Lightning (+175%) Burning Attack 3d+2 (Area Effect, 2 yards; Bombardment, skill 12; Environmental, Air; Overhead; Persistent; Side Effect, Stunning; Surge) [50]
Lightning Bolt (+100%) Burning Attack 5d (Accurate +2; Increased 1/2D x10 and Max x2; Side Effect, Stunning,; Surge) [50]
Surge (+0%) Burning Attack 10d (Accurate +2, +10%; Increased 1/2D x10 and Max s2, +5%; No Wounding; Surge) [50]


Name Percentage Components Cost Page
Breath of Dragon (-25%) Burning Attack 1d (Costs 1 FP; Melee Attack, Reach 1-4, Cannot Parry) [4] Counts as melee attack. GURPS Martial Arts pg 45
Dragon Breath (+60%) Burning Attack 4d (Cone, 5 yards; Limited Use, 3/day; Reduced Range, x1/5). [32] Basic Set p114
Fire Bolt (+10%) Burning Attack 9d (Increased 1/2D x5) [50]
Fireball (+50%) Burning Attack 6d+2 (Explosion 1) [50]
Flame Breath (+80%) Burning Attack 5d+1 (Cone, 5 yards; Reduced Range, x1/5, -20) [49]
Flame Jet (+0%) Burning Attack 10d (Jet) [50]
Immolation (+50%) Burning Attack 6d+2 (Aura; Melee Attack) [50]
Inferno (+95%) Burning Attack 5d (Area Effect, 2 yards; Persistent; Variable) [49]
Plasma Torch (+125%) Burning Attack 4d+1 (Armor Divisor (5); Melee Attack, Reach C, 1, Cannot Parry) [50]

Light, Radiation, and Sound/Vibration[]

Name Percentage Components Cost Page
Laser (+100%) Burning Attack 5d (Accurate +3; Armor Divisor (2); Increased 1/2D x20 and Max, x10) [50]
Particle Beam (+300%) Burning Attack 2d+2 (Accurate +2; Armor Divisor (5)Increased 1/2D x10 and Max x2; Radiation; Surge) [52]
Sonic Scream (+75%) Burning Attack 6d-1 (Environmental, Air/Water; No Incendiary Effect; Side Effect, Deafness; Underwater [51]

Supernatural Attacks[]

GURPS Powers groups these Burning Attacks under Supernatural Attacks.[3]

Name Percentage Components Cost Page
Burning Touch (+250%) Burning Attack 3d-1 (Accessibility, Only on living beings; Cosmic, Irresistible attack; Melee Attack, Reach C, Cannot Parry; No Incendiary Effect; Variable) [49]
Pyrokinetic Attack (+190%/+250%) Burning Attack 1d (Based on HT; Malediction 2; No Signature) Affliction 1 (HT; Agony; Follow-Up, Burning Attack) [15]+[35]


The Weird pg 33 "Supercharging" includes this as a component. -10+80-30-10-10-10 is a net of +10% in modifiers. It has a final cost of 3 points. It is listed as doing 1d-2 meaning it is 1 die with 0.3 is subtracted twice, for a base of 0.4 dice. 5*.4 = 2 character points. 2 character points +10% = 2.2 character points which rounds up to 3.

See Also[]


  1. GURPS Powers 136-137
  2. GURPS Powers pg 142-145
  3. GURPS Powers pg 137-140