These are GURPS books and materials that are no longer available through Steve Jackson Games.
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- GURPS Blue Planet
- GURPS Callahan Crosstime Saloon
- GURPS Cthulhupunk
- GURPS Fantasy (1st edition)
- GURPS Humanx
- GURPS Lensman
- GURPS Mage: the Ascension
- GURPS Myth
- GURPS New Sun
- GURPS Planet Krishna
- GURPS Planet of Adventure
- GURPS Riverworld
- GURPS Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
- GURPS The Prisoner
- GURPS Uplift
- GURPS Vampire: The Masquerade
- GURPS War Against The Chtorr
- GURPS Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- GURPS Wild Cards
- GURPS Witch World