Centaurs are large quadrupedal sapients with horselike bodies and humanoid torsos attached to the "neck" area. They typically have the speed and mass of an average horse, with muscular humanoid bodies to match.
B263 notes: a “centauroid” would simply take Extra Legs – plus Hooves, if equine
Centaur (Fantasy and Classic: Greece)
Cost: 90 ([77]+[30]-[17]+[0]+[0]) points
This combines the Centaurs of Fantasy and Greece
- Attributes and Secondary Characteristics [77]: ST+8 (Size Modifier, -10%) [72]; IQ-1 [-20]; HT+2 [20]; Per+1 [5]; SM +1;
- Advantages and Perks [30]: Claws (Hooves) [3]; Enhanced Move 1 (Running) [20]; Extra Legs (Four Legs) [5]; Fearlessness 1 [2]
- Optional Advantages [N/A]: FP+13
- Disadvantages and Quirks [-17]: Impulsiveness (12) [-10]; Overconfidence (12) [-5]; Compulsive carousing [-1]; Finds the trappings of domesticated horses – saddle, harness, stables, etc. – particularly odious. [-1]
- Optional Disadvantages [N/A]: Berserk (only when drunk); Phobia (Mild Claustrophobia); Low TL (TL0); Stubbornness
- Skills [0]: No Racial Skills
- Optional Skills [N/A]: None
- Innate Magic [0]: None
- Features: None
Centaur (Yrth Lens)[]
Cost: +10 points
- Secondary Characteristics [10]: Basic Move +2 [10]
Centaur (GURPS Repository)
Cost: 170 ([102]+[68]-[0]+[0]+[0]) points
This is regarding an unofficial conversion of another RPG to GURPS |
This race was first published in the Monster Manual.
- Attributes and Secondary Characteristics [102]: ST+8 (size -10%) [72]; DX+2 [40]; IQ-1 [-20]. HT+2 [10]; SM +1
- Advantages and Perks [68]: Claws(hooves) [3], Damage Resistance 2 (Tough Skin, -40%) [6], Dark Vision [25], Extra legs (4 legs) [5], Enhanced Move 1 [20], Lifting ST+3 [9]
- Optional Advantages [N/A]: None
- Disadvantages and Quirks [-0]: None
- Optional Disadvantages [N/A]: None
- Skills [0]: No Racial Skills
- Optional Skills [N/A]: None
- Innate Magic [0]: None
- Features: None
Slamming Attacks Martial Arts[]
MA107 uses a female centaur wielding a spear to explain the new rule allowing for substituting slam damage for thrust during move and Attack--a rule that's extremely useful for fast, heavy sapients like centaurs!
Hit Location Table[]
(to be added, Basic Set, p.553)
- GURPS Fantasy, p.105
- BoneSea and jhubert; GURPS Repository Racial Templates
This race was first published in the Monster Manual.
170 points.
- Attribute Modifiers [102]: ST+8 [72]; DX+2 [40]; IQ-1 [-20]. HT+2 [10]; SM+1
- Advantages [60]: Claws(hooves) [3], Damage Resistance 2 (Tough Skin, -40%) [6], Dark Vision [25], Extra legs (4 legs) [5], Enhanced Move 1 [20], Lifting ST+3 [9].