This is Classic material. Some conversion will be needed to use with 4e,
some of which may have been done for you.
GURPS Aliens cover

A couple old-timey humans enjoy ice cream with aliens.

Classic: Aliens (1990) presents over two dozen races that can be used in a space, fantasy, or horror setting. Credit goes to Psycho Dominion Overlord for doing the conversions back in 2008.


This is the order in which the races appear in the book.

  • An Phar: Pig-like humanoids with a love of philosophy
  • Auroras: Super-powerful, benevolent creatures of pure mind
  • Irari: Winged scientists and researches
  • Jaril: A once-threatened race of giants, now reborn
  • Cidi: They're six inches tall... but don't call them cute
  • Fasanni: Galactic mimics, satirists and investigators[note 1]
  • Gerodians: An elder race with a bent for medicine and psychology.
  • Banduch: Super-powerful psychic dinosaurs
  • Tamile: Peaceful, artistic, talented singing slugs
  • Memer and Saret: Spidery galactic tramp freight-handler. Very small.
  • Kaa: Greedy, ruthless, imperialistic snake-men
  • Kronin: A race of honorable warriors and mercenaries
  • Markann: Secretive, sadistic mad scientists with incredibly high technology
  • Verms: Their ambition is to eat the galaxy.
  • Gormelites: Brutal, paranoid shaggy berserkers
  • Sparrials: Quick, individualistic and compulsive thieves
  • Pachekki: Amphibious sex-changers
  • Treefolk: Half-animal, half-plant; benevolent healers
  • Purulu: Rich, grasping, radioactive sea-dwellers
  • Traders: Capitalists from the fourth dimension
  • Truul: The ancients tried to make a slave race. What they got was a troll doll that always wants to help you.
  • Engai: Brilliant but decadent and ruthless
  • Mmm: A naรฏve but powerful hive mind. Actually rather nice. Not to be confused with the voracious Verm.
  • Liook Sujan: Slow, rocklike creatures who are psychic giants
  • Riders: Malevolent viruses that can take over your psychology
  • Crystal Computers: An artificially-created life form with secret powers
  • Gloworms: Solitary, flying energy vampires
  • Xenomorphs: With their plastic shape, they can be anything or anyone

See also:

Additional Classic Alien Races[]

Additional Alien Races appeared in Classic: Space Atlas 4, Pyramid #18, and Pyramid #19.


Important Notes[]

  • Many of the advantages and disadvantages reappeared in the Compendium 1 with different point values making the book incompatible with 3.5 GURPS. Psycho Dominion Overlord's GURPS Aliens for GURPS 3rd Edition provides, as near as he can tell, the official racial packages with all of the errata corrected (possibly including some errata that never made it to the official site)
  • With the larger number of enhancements and limitations available these races can be "tweaked" to "better" fit their Classic versions.
  1. โ†‘ Based on the description of the race the "micic" given in both the original paper and digital PDF version, appears to be a typo.

GURPS Space Alien Creation Tables[]

  • I (Chemical Basis)[1]
  • II (Habitat)[2]
  • III (Primary and Secondary Locomotion)[3]
  • IV (Size Category; Size and Mass; Gravity Effects; and Strength)[4]
  • V (Symmetry; Number of Limbs; Tails; Manipulators; Skeleton)[5]
  • VI (Skin; Breathing; Temperature; Growth)[6]
  • VII (Sex; Gestation; Special Gestation; Strategy)[7]
  • VIII (Primary Sense: Vision, Touch, Taste/Smell, Special Sences)[8]
  • IX (Intelligence; Mating Behavior; Social Organization)[9]
  • X (Chauvinism; Concentration; Curiosity; Egoism; Empathy; Gregariousness; Imagination; Suspicion; Playfulness)[10]

Additional Information[]

See Also[]

