This is Classic material. Some conversion will be needed to use with 4e,
some of which may have been done for you.
GURPS Who's Who 2 cover

Classic Who's Who 2 (1999) presents noteworthy historical figures in GURPS terms, for use in games. Each "era" has a "Who Might Have Been?" section of people who didn't exist and whose presence is used as alternate history hooks. It also presents alternate histories for each of the historical characters as well.

There was another book in this series: Classic: Who's Who 1

Important Note[]

Due to the changes of 4th edition the point totals given are no longer correct and some skill levels change as half points for a skill no longer exists. Also some skills now have prerequisites which are added to the conversions. Strength has changed though in terms of damage the original Classic value is given. This does make encumbrance much higher.

Talents for the most part didn't exist in Classic and so the conversions stick as much to the original attributes even if using a talent would reduce the point cost.

Character point total summery
>100 100-200 200-300 300+
3 7 16 26

The Ancient World and Dark Ages[]

Order Name Life span ST DX IQ HT Classic Cost 4e Cost
1 Sargon II (Sharru-kรญn) mid-8th century B.C.-705 B.C.) 12 12 12 11 255.5 pts 306 pts
2 Nebuchadrezzar II (Nabu-kudurri-usur) late 7th century B.C.-562 B.C. 11 11 12 11 219.5 pts 273 pts
3 Pythagoras c.570 B.C.-c.480 B.C. 10 11 14 11 157 pts 254 pts
4 Archimedes 287 B.C.-212 B.C. 8 10 16 8 84 pts 250 pts
5 Hannibal 247 B.C.-183 B.C. 11 11 13 12 287 pts 379 pts
6 Cleopatra 69 B.C.-30 B.C. 9 10 14 11 191.5 pts 311 pts
7 St. Augustine of Hippo 354-430 10 10 16 8 91.5 pts 213 pts
8 Attila the Hun 400-453 11 12 13 12 227 pts 286 pts
9 Shield Jaguar Lord (Itsโ€™in Balam Ahau) 647-742 9 10 12 11 196.5 pts 236 pts
10 Li Po 701-762 10 10 13 12 124.5 pts 176 pts

Middle Ages and Renaissance[]

Order Name Life span ST DX IQ HT Classic Cost 4e Cost
1 Rodrigo Diaz (El Cid) 1043-1099 12 12 11 11 284 pts 342 pts
2 Maimonides 1135-1204 10 10 15 10 120.5 pts 209 pts
3 Chinggis (Genghis) Khan 1162-1227 12 13 13 12 259 pts 374 pts
4 Marco Polo 1254-1323 10 10 12 13 156.5 pts 207 pts
5 Roger de Flor 1260-1305 12 14 11 12 236 pts 256 pts
6 Dante Alighieri 1265-1321 10 11 13 10 107 pts 182 pts
7 Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 12 10 12 11 127.5 pts 174 pts
8 Richard III (Richard Plantagenet) 1452-1485 11 12 13 10 133 pts 197 pts
9 Suleyman (Suleiman) the Magnificent 1494-1566 10 11 14 12 296.5 pts 358 pts
10 Granuaile (Grace Oโ€™Malley of Connaught) 1530-1603 10 12 12 14 326 pts 336 pts
11 Oda Nobunaga 1534-1582 11 12 14 12 197 pts 264 pts
12 Matteo Ricci 1552-1610 10 10 13 10 135 pts 224 pts

Enlightenment and Industry[]

Order Name Life span ST DX IQ HT Classic Cost 4e Cost
1 Samuel de Champlain 1570-1635 11 11 13 13 209 pts 275 pts
2 Nzinga (โ€œDona Ana de Sousaโ€) 1582-1663 10 13 14 14 324 pts 388 pts
3 Charles I 1600-1649 11 11 10 10 97.5 pts 118 pts
4 Ninon de Lanclos 1623-1705 7 11 13 13 137 pts 192 pts
5 Aphra Behn 1640-1689 8 10 12 10 45.5 pts 80 pts
6 Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727 10 11 18 12 292.5 pts 400 pts
7 Maria Sibylla Merian 1647-1717 8 11 12 12 101.5 pts 209 pta
8 Le Comte de Saint-Germain 1710-1784 10 11 13 10 219.5 pts 395 pts
9 Captain James Cook 1728-1779 11 11 13 14 195.5 pts 270 pts
10 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749-1832 10 10 15 14 246.5 pts 376 pts
11 Horatio Nelson 1758-1805 10 10 13 8 139.5 pts 236 pts
12 Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte 1763-1844 11 10 12 12 222.5 pts 282 pts
13 Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 10 10 14 10 317.5 pts 364 pts
14 Cheng Shih 1775-1844 11 11 13 11 149 pts 194 pts

Related material: Classic: Old West[]

Order Name Life span ST DX IQ HT Classic Cost 4e Cost
15 Allan Pinkerton 1819-1884 12 10 14 13 234 pts 232 pts
16 Ulysses Simpson Grant 1822-1885 10 10 14 10 134.5 pts 171 pts
17 William Walker 1824-1860 9 10 11 11 77 pts 108 pts
18 George Armstrong Custer 1839-1876 12 12 11 13 166 pts 286 pts
19 John Wesley Hardin 1853-1895 11 14 12 11 124.5 pts 177 pts

The Twentieth Century[]

Related material: GURPS WWII, GURPS WWII: Weird War II[]

Order Name Life span ST DX IQ HT Classic Cost 4e Cost
1 Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 10 12 14 11 165 pts 259 pts
2 E. W. Barton-Wright 1865-1951[1] 11 11 10 10 57 pts 91 pts
3 Harry Houdini 1874-1926 12 15 12 13 367.5 pts 461 pts
4 Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965 11 12 14 12 176.5 pts 270 pts
5 Josef Stalin 1879-1953 11 10 12 11 120 pts 165 pts
6 Robert Goddard 1882-1945 10 10 14 8 67.5 pts 137 pts
7 Richard E. Byrd 1888-1957 12 11 13 12 284 pts 442 pts
8 Adolph Hitler 1889-1945 10 9 13 9 61 pts 114 pts
9 Erwin Rommel 1891-1944 11 12 13 12 244.5 pts 366 pts
10 Manfred von Richthofen 1892-1918 10 13 11 10 127 pts 203 pts
11 Charles โ€œLuckyโ€ Luciano 1897-1962 10 10 11 12 115 pts 159 pts
12 Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961 13 12 13 12 147 pts 227 pts
13 John von Neumann 1903-1957 10 9 16 11 155 pts 243 pts
14 Robert Ervin Howard 1906-1936 13 11 12 12 81.5 pts 116 pts
15 Sid Vicious (John Simon Ritchie) 1957-1979 10 11 10 11 29 pts 54 pts

Additional Material[]

  1. โ†‘ The death date is listed as "?" in the book