
Cocking the hammer of a firearm is described on page 8 of Tactical Shooting.

"Condition Two" mentions:

A single action weapon cannot fire until the shooter thumb-cocks the hammer (treat as thumbing a safety, above).

"Condition One" describs how to thumb safeties:

The safety can be thumbed off with a Ready maneuver

The condition of having the safety on AND the hammer uncocked is somewhat covered in "condition three", except that this also involves the chamber being empty.

There is not a condition described for "round is chambered, safety is on, hammer is uncocked" though.

The basic rules assume that chambering a round will always cock the hammer:

"Rack the slide to simultaneously chamber a round and cock the hammer. This takes a Ready maneuver"

Slides are an aspect of semi-auto weapons. Revolvers differ in a way HT doesn't acknowledge: instead of a "slide" it is the pulling of the external hammer itself which rotates the cylinder to align it with the barrel ("chambering" it)

A slide is an internal means to cock the hammer.
