
Completely Exclusive is a limitation on PP17 for See Invisible.

It's pricing gives some implications since the -50% discount matches taking Blindness as a Temporary Disadvantage. Namely:

  • that See Invisible is Switchable by default, so you could get a discount by taking Always On for it
  • that Blindness only prevents seeing things which are normally visible
    • for example, using Affliction: Disadvantage: Blindness would not prevent seeing invisible things (as this doesn't rely on normal vision) you would need Negated Advantage to target See Invisible specifically
      • this would deviate from the interpretation of viewing See Invisible as reliant upon not being blind (like a +7.5% enhancement on Not Blind) where you would need to take something like Not Blind (Accessibility: Invisible Things Only) to support the use of See Invisible

This could also mean for example, that a blind man w/ See Invisible who wanted to be able to see non-invisible things could do so by afflicting them with invisibility.

This is seen with other vision abilities too:

  • P60 "Use a combination of Blindness (p. B124) and Microscopic Vision for someone who can see tiny details at point-blank range, but not distant

objects or the normal-sized world."

  • P64 "Regular vision, Infravision, Ultravision, and Ladar are all โ€œrelatedโ€ for the purpose of the Extended enhancement"

It would probably also stand to reason that advantages like Bad Sight would similarly also not penalize seeing/targeting invisible creatures if that was true.

Nor should Acute Sight make them easier to see: you would need Acute See Invisible to get a bonus

Buying up Perception OTOH could since that could apply since that applies to EVERYTHING.

  • Perception is pretty overpriced unless you look at that like being Alternative Abilities because if you pay full price (2) for the first sense and 1/5 price for the next (0.4 per sense) the remaining 3 points could buy SEVEN more senses. If rounding up 0.4 to 1 it would only allow for 3 extra: 4 total (sight,hearing,touch,smell+taste) meaning it would only cover basic senses and not "6th" and beyond extra stuff like Detect.
    • not rounding up the 0.4 probably makes more sense when taking into account that switching between "Alternative Sense Bonuses" is Reflexive (+40%) meaning that 0.4 per becomes 0.56 per: only 5 more senses bonuses could be bought)
      • Modular Abilities (Cosmic Power) for a 2 point advantage has a base cost of 20 points. Reducing that to 5 points requires -75% in limitations. This would require -115% in limitations since Reflexive would need to be taken on Cosmic to be able to rearrange the bonus instinctively to apply to different sense rolls. At best accessibility could give a -50% discount so it's unclear where the rest of the discount would come from.

See also[]
