Conjured is an enhancement used:
- in DF9 (January 2010) for allies on page 4
- in GURPS Zombies (December 2013) on page 29
It works like Summonable except "instead of summoning the same beings, it produces different ones."
This was hinted at in april 2006 in GURPS Powers pg 41 (which talked about the same option for mechanical changes) but it was still named "summonable" then, which could cause confusion in writing abilities since it would require explaining which version was being used.
T198 of GURPS Thaumatology (in 2008) also talks about it under "Conjuring Assistance" about conjured assistants, but like Powers hasn't come up with a unique name like Zombies/DF yet
Kromm in 17 August 2012 talks about some alternate options for Summonable, and thus by extension Conjured which is a variant of it
- If you can summon an Ally with a Concentrate maneuver whenever you need it, as long as it hasn't died, then one minute is more than fair. It's basically a "conjure pet" spell that costs no FP, lasts as long as any other combat spell, and has a significant effect on battle. You're trading duration for the capacity to repeat attempts.
- If you can summon an Ally once per adventure, as usual with an Ally, and it hangs around until dismissed, then that's fine, too. You're trading off reliability (the roll for it can fail, and if it does, you get nothing out of the advantage for one full dungeon crawl or whatever) and surprise (you can't spring "Oh, and there's a huge demon behind you!" on baddies in combat) for duration.
- Just don't try to justify both. It's either a spell-like thing or a social advantage with a significant meta-game aspect to it ("once per adventure").
Powers/Thaumatology/DF/Zombies do not mention anything about a maximum duration, however a key aspect is they never mention how long it takes an ally to arrive. Kromm's "whenever you need it" implies an ally manifests instantaneously, which is a benefit that can offset there being a duration where a concentrate would be needed to refresh the ally.
He elaborated further on this initially at
- The intent is that Ally (Summonable) works like any other switchable advantage, which by default requires one second. I wouldn't worry about travel times from other dimensions . . . these and creatures conjured on the spot just go "bamf!" and appear.
This would also give grounds to modify by stuff like Takes Extra Time.
Kromm's "as long as it hasn't died" makes it clear he's referencing the classic Summonable (the same ally, not a new one of the same type) however this could in theory apply to conjured too. The amplified benefit of being able to instantaneously replace slain minions (or refresh the health of nearly dead ones) would be offset by the need to make more frequent reaction rolls since an entirely new one would be summoned every minute, preventing long-term tasks or learning.
A major aspect of Summonable changed in the "one minute version" is ignoring the "On a failure, you cannot attempt to summon him again for one full day." part, although this isn't a drawback at all if B36's Frequency of Appearance is x4 constantly.
alternate approach[]
Prior to the new options in Powers which became conjured, the idea of replaceable allies who you'd get back after some downtime was instead modeled using Unkillable 3 as part of the Conjured Servant meta-trait by PK in under Making Friends and Conjuring People