In 2014 at this name was suggested as a -100% limitation by Christopher R. Rice for Damage Resistance, for use with Absorption. Could also make sense for Reflection.
- build the DR (Absorption) normally, then tack on "DR Doesn't Give Protection" as a (-100%) limitation. This essentially cancels out the fact that it absorbs the damage and converts it into a "useful" energy and leaves only the last part.
In 2007, PK mentioned in
- take inspiration from Create (Destruction Only) and reduce the cost of Absorption or Reflection by 100% if the DR doesn't actually protect. So "Absorption Only" becomes -0% (or -20% if it only fuels one thing) and "Reflection Only" becomes -0%.
DR Gives Double Protection +100% would be a nice theoretical enhancement, useful for situations where many limitations are desired. For example Ablative already brings to the minimum -80% and no points are gained by taking Limited in terms of hit location or damage type.