This should not be confused with the similarly named Disadvantage Dependency

Dependents (B131: varying cost) is mundane social Disadvantage are NPCs for whom you are responsible.


The point total is effected by:


Base value of disadvantage on the point total of the player character

  • No more than 100%: -1 point
  • No more than 75%: -2 points
  • No more than 50%: -5 points
  • No more than 25%: -10 points
  • No more than 20%: -11 points[1]
  • No more than 15%: -12 points[1]
  • No more than 10%: -13 points[1]
  • No more than 5%: -14 points[1]
  • 0 or fewer points: -15 points


  • Employer or acquaintance: x1/2
  • Friend: x1
  • Loved one: x2

How to roleplay importance is elaborated on in Social Engineering, based on the guidelines for Loyalty in Campaigns:

"Good for an employer or acquaintance, Very Good for a friend, Excellent for a loved one"

Frequency of Appearance[]

This is also a multiplier. Does not need to be same as Ally if designing a Dependent Ally


You cannot earn points for more than two Dependents though a Dependent Group counts as one. This is similar to the cap on Enemy.

Dependents (Classic)[]

In Classic, Dependents were built on 50 points or less with the point value dependent on their points:

  • 26-50 points [-6]
  • 1-25 points (Average) [-12]
  • 0 or fewer points (young child or feeble older person) [-16]

The closely match 50%, 25, and 0 points in 4e.


  1. โ†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 GURPS Social Engineering pg 42, (expanding on Dungeon Fantasy 9: Summoners rules for allies worth under 25%)