- not to be confused with Vanish
Disappear is a technique mentioned on page 35 of Dungeon Fantasy 11 as part of the Backstabber metatrait.
What it could accomplish was expanded on in Monster Hunters supplement The Mission by allowing Move-based usage during the middle of combat instead of only being usable at the start of combat.
The first level involves paying for a Unique Technique perk to unlock it.
Since each level has 3 points (1 for First Strike, 2 for Striking ST) subtracting this from the basic cost is 7+2/level and subtracting Unique Technique makes the base cost 6 which is described at the first level.
As it is a hard technique, the first 2 points buy off the first -1, and the next 4 points buy off another -4, which allows ignoring the basic -5 penalty in the backstabbing rules.
The 2/level buy off an additional -2 in penalties which could result from other things like Encumbrance, being ambushed, or not being in bushes or shadowy tunnels, both of which could inflict -5 individually or -10 collectively.
It explicitly cannot give a net bonus. The notation appears to be erroneous because it talks about buying up to -5 then -3 then -1 which would indicate a basic penalty of -10 not -5.