This list of Enchantment College spells is a reformatting of the list at the GURPS Repository with spells from other canonical sources and Enchantment information (including energy cost) added
†: Spell is VH.
Underlined material is from Classic
"M": does the spell require Magery to learn
PC: Prerequisite Count
Prerequisite Count Needed Prerequisite Count of some spells needs to be calculated

The Enchantment College has several sebucatagories. Also see Enchantment Costs and Enchanting Items.

Main College[]

Spell M Prerequisites PC Enchantment Cost Item Note Book, Page
Adjustable Clothing Y Enchant and Reshape 14 varies C [1] Magic p. 58; Thaumatology: Urban Magics, p. 33
Amulet Y Talisman for the appropriate spell V 50 per point J# Indef.# Magic p. 58
Compulsive Reader Y Enchant and 3 Mind Control spells or Writing-15+ 11 Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 21
Costume Adjustable Clothing 50 C [1] Classic: Magic Item 3 p 30
Create Chimera† Y Analyze Heredity, Enchant, and either Alter Body or Lightning NA NA NA Bio-Tech, p. 31
Curse Virus/TL Spellprocessor and Animate Machine,

Awaken Computer, Curse, Glitch, Mad Machine or Malfunction

15 x all spells in virus software [1] Classic: Tenchnomancer p. 20
Doom Wish† Y Magery 3, Wish, and IQ + Magery of 23+ 18 2,000 special one use Magic: Artillery Spells p. 13-14
Doppelgänger† Y Magery 3, Golem, History, and Enslave 29 1,000 special [1] Magic p. 62; Classic: Magic p 40
Dwarfish Reinforcement† Y Enchant and Secret Spell (Dwarvish Reinforcement) 11 Pyramid 3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV, p. 13
Electric Power/TL Lend Power, Power, Steal Power varies magic item [1] Classic: Technomancer p. 20
Emergency Staff (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 8
Enchant† Y Magery 2 and at least one spell from 10 other colleges 10 varies varies Special Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 56
Ensorcel† Y Malefice 12 NA NA NA Magic p. 60
Golem† Y Enchant, Shape Earth, and Animation 14 varies golem [1] Magic p. 59
Great Wish† Y Magery 3, Wish, and (DX+IQ) 30+ 18 2,000 J special# Magic p. 61
Hex Y Enchant 11 200 any [1] Magic p. 57
Hideaway Y Enchant, Create Object, and Lighten 15 50 or 100 per lb Con [1] Magic p. 66; Thaumatology: Urban Magics, p. 33
Impart Skill† Y Magery 3, Enchant, Lend Skill, Wisdom, Secret Spell (Impart Skill), and five Communication and Empathy spells Pyramid 3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV, p. 14
Impression Blocker Y Enchant, Seeker, and Scrywall 12 20 per pound of capacity Con [1] Magic p. 60
Leak Hideaway 16 100 Con [1] Magic p. 61
Lesser Wish Y Enchant 11 180 J One use Magic p. 61
Ley Line Creation Y Seek Ley Line and Apportation NA NA NA Thaumatology: Urban Magics, p. 21
Live Libram Y Enchant and Apportation Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 22
Malefice† Y Enchant and Seeker 11 250 doll can only be used by maker


Magic p. 60
Magician’s Minion (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 8-9
Mana Warhead/TL Curse-Missile and spell in warhead 20 x cost projectile special[note 1] Classic: Technomancer p. 21
Mortal Malefice† Y Magery 3, Malefice, and Soul Jar Magic: Death Spells, p. 9
Narrative Conveyance Y Plane Shift, Timeport, and Writing-15+ Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 22
Power Y Enchant and Recover Energy 12 500*2^(level-1) limit level 4 any special# Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 57
Remove Enchantment Y Enchant 11 NA NA NA Magic p. 58
Resilient Golem Y Golem and Shatterproof 2 x Golem cost golem [1] Classic: Magic Items 3 p 32
Resist Enchantment Y any Limiting Enchantment spell 12 varies special [1] Magic p. 58
Scroll Y Magery 1 and 1 written Language at Accented or better 0 varies scroll [3, 4?] Magic p. 57
Simulacrum† Y Magery 3, Golem, Perfect Illusion, and Illusion Disguise 18 varies golem special Magic p. 61
Sorcerer’s Stand-In (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 9
Soul Golem Y Magery 3, Soul Jet, Golem, IQ 13+ 1,000 Golem [1] Classic: Grimoire p 42
Speed Y Enchant and Haste 11 varies any special Magic p. 57
Spell Stone Y Enchant and Delay 8 20 x cost jewel [3 ($10xP^cost + $40 x cost gem) Magic p. 60
Spellbook Enchantment Y Scroll 1 15+1 per page same as scroll same as scroll Classic: Magic Items 2 p. 40
Spellgraft Y Enchant 11 NA NA NA Bio-Tech, p. 32
Spellprocessor Scroll, Computer Programming-15+ 1 500 software [1] Classic: Technomancer p 19
Suspend Enchantment Y Enchant 11 25 or 1/100; h Any special Magic p. 58
Talisman Y Enchant and spell to be opposed V varies J# [1] Magic p. 58
Temporary Enchantment Y Enchant 11 Any Any Special Magic p. 56; Fantasy, p. 23
Vengeful Staff† Y Magery 3, Enchant, and Explode 12 20 x d6 Handheld item One use Magic: Artillery Spells p. 14
Wish† Y Lesser Wish and 1 spell each from 15 colleges 17 250 J One use Magic p. 61

Weapon Enchantments[]

All of these require Magery

Spell Prerequisites PC Enchantment Cost Item Note Book, Page
Accuracy Enchant and 4 Air Spells 15 +1 250/+2 1,000/+3 5,000

cost is 1/10th for missile weapons

Wep [1] Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 65
Assassin's Weapon† Magery 3, Penetrating Weapon, and Puissance Magic: Death Spells, p. 12
Bane Enchant 11 reduces cost W special Magic p. 69
Blank Spell Arrow Spell Arrow 18 varies MW Perm. Magic p. 66
Cornucopia Enchant and 2 Weapon Enchantment spells 13 50 times $ Special Perm. Magic p. 64
Dancing Weapon Enchant and Dancing Object 12 1,000, 2,000 or 4,000 per lb. Wep [1] Magic p. 63
Defending Weapon Enchant and Dancing Object 12 varies Wep [1] Magic p. 64
Ghost Weapon Enchant and Solidify 14 250 per pound Wep [1] Magic p. 65
Graceful Weapon Enchant and Apportation 11 150 Wep, tool [1] Magic p. 63
Loyal Sword Enchant and Apportation 11 750 per lb. Wep [1] Magic p. 63
Penetrating Weapon Enchant and Find Weakness 11 varies Wep [1] Magic p. 63
Puissance Enchant and 5 Earth spells 15 +1 250/+2 1,000/

+3 5,000

Wep [1] Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 65
Quick-Aim Enchant and Grace 14 varies Wep [1] Magic p. 63
Quick-Draw Enchant and Apportation 11 300 per lb./2,000 Wep/Q [1] Magic p. 63
Soulburner Gestalt Powerstone. Soul Jar, Zombie 6,000 special [1, [$1,000,000 +

$10,000 per "socket")]

Classic: Technomancer p. 20
Speed Spell Arrow Speed and Spell Arrow 18 Varies Arrow [1] Magic p. 66
Spell Arrow Spell Stone 17 varies spell [1] Magic p. 65
Spell Targeting/TL Accuracy, Spectrum Vision 50 per mile targeting sys. [1, 4] Classic: Technomancer p. 21
Vengeful Staff† Magery 3, Enchant, and Explode Magic: Artillery Spells p. 14
Video Entity/TL Create Animal, Create Warrior varies videotape# [3] Technomancer p 20
Vigil Enchant and Summon Spirit 12 100 per point of IQ transferred,

plus 25 times the CP cost of each skill plus 50 times the total CP cost of all the advantages and disadvantages (minimum of zero) Add 300 for Voices

Wep [1] Magic p. 64

Armor Enchantments[]

All Spells in this category require Magery to learn

Spell Prerequisites PC Enchantment Cost Item Note Book, Page
Dancing Shield Enchant and Dancing Object 12 250 per lb.# Shield [1] Magic p. 67
Defending Shield Enchant and Grace 12 varies Shield [1] Magic p. 67
Deflect Enchant 11 varies C, A, Sl [1] Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 67
Fortify Enchant 11 varies C, A [1] Basic Set, p. 480; Magic p. 66; Thaumatology: Urban Magics, p. 33
Lighten Enchant 11 200 or 500 A, Sl [1] Magic p. 67

Limiting Enchantments[]

All spells require Magery to learn

Spell Prerequisites PC Enchantment Cost Item Note Book, Page
Attune Bane 12 100 special # Perm. Magic p. 69
Limit Enchant 11 200 any [1] Magic p. 68
Link Delay 16 200 any [3]# Magic p. 131
Name Enchant 11 400 or 200 any special Magic p. 68
Password Enchant 11 400 or 200 any [1] Magic p. 68

Wizardly Tools[]

All Spells require Magery to learn

Spell Prerequisites PC Enchantment Cost Item Note Book, Page
Crystal Ball Enchant and Divination (Crystal-Gazing) 13 1,000 crystal ball Special
+1 ($1,000)
+2 ($20,000) to Divination
Magic p. 71
Effigy† Magery 2, Enchant, Scryfool, and Ward 13 1,000 statue Special Magic p. 71
Homunculus Enchant and Mind-Sending 15 800 special [1] Magic p. 70
Lich† Magery 3, IQ 13+, Enchant, Soul Jar, and Zombie 19 point total Elixir Special Magic p. 159
Manastone† Enchant 11 5 per point jewel special Magic p. 70
Powerstone Enchant 11 20 per point of energy gem special# Magic p. 69
Powerstone, One-College Enchant 11 12 per point of energy gem special# Magic p. 70
Powerstone Recharging Rack Enchant S 750 per stone special [5, $75,000] Classic: Magic Items 1 p 65-66
Soul Stone† Magery 3, Enchant, and Soul Jar 19 500 jewel Is useful to the maker Magic p. 71
Staff Enchant 11 30 S, W [1] Basic Set, p. 481; Magic p. 70
Vengeful Staff† Magery 3, Enchant, and Explode 18 Magic: Artillery Spells pg 14
Wraith† Magery 3, IQ 13+, Enchant, Halt Aging, and Soul Jar 24 500# ring# [3] Magic p. 160

Item Class Table[]

Code Class of Item
A armor or clothing
Am Amulet (not to be confused with an Alchemy Amulet)
Ar Arrow
B Brush
C Clothing
CN Compass Needle
Cl cloak
Com Computer
Con Container
Cr Crypt or Coffin
Fig Figurine
G Glove (single)
Gs Gloves (pair)
H Helmet, Crown or other headgear,
J jewelry; e.g., an amulet or ring
Md Modem
Mi Mirror
MW Missile Weapon
Q Quiver
R Rug or Mat
S staff – any rod-shaped piece of organic material up to 6 feet long
Sh Shoes or other Footwear
Sl Shield
Sp Spectacles
T Timepiece
W wand
Wep weapon

General Enchantment Notes[]

  • [1] Always on. Works at all times without the addition of a Power spell
  • [2] Allows the user to cast the spell, but only on himself.
  • [3] Allows the user to cast the spell exactly as if he knew it himself.
  • [3T] Allows the user to cast the spell by touching the subject.
  • [4] Mage only. If any spell on the item has this restriction, it extends to all spells on the item.
  • [5] Cost of magical materials required.
  • # There are exceptions to the value given; see the original spell description

Special Notes[]

  1. Mana Warhead binds Clumsiness, Curse, Itch, Pain, Spasm or Strike Blind/Deaf/Dumb into a missile weapon or an Area spell (Awaken, Create Fire, Darkness, Destroy Air, Destroy Water, Drain Mana. Earthquake, Essential Flame, Ether Static, Fear, Flash, Fog, Frost, Glue, Ice Slick, Irradiate, Mass Daze, Mass Detonation, Mass Sleep, Melt Ice, Phantom Flame, Prismatic Mist, Purify Air, Restore Mana, Silence, Stench, Sterilize, Stop Power, Terror, Thunderclap, Turn Zombie and Wither Plant.) into a grenade or 20mm+ cannon shell, bomb or missile warhead