GURPS Martial Arts pg 136
LT162 introduces option of non-cutting attacks (impaling, tight-beam and piercing) severing body parts. This normally doesn't happen (exceeding twice crippling is just automatic permanent crippling). This requires twice the threshold of cutting though.
Analagous to the requirement of using a 2H weapon (requiring hands/arms to remain adjacent, similar to standing... unclear why it also is allowed against 'lying' though) the condition of "a fighter who's grappling" should be more specific:
- obviously a fighter grappling with LEGS or MOUTH should not be vulnerable to having arms/hands targeted
- it should require the use of BOTH hands to grapple: not just someone doing a 1H grapple
- both hands should be grappling the same foe!
- both hands should be grappling the same hit location on that foe
This should also mean with 2H weapons that you're holding the same narrow grip. Or at least that wider-grip weapons (ie 2 feet apart on a bo staff compared to 1 inch apart on a sword) should create more difficulty to do ED against.
Another problem: no penalties up front! To actually get a proper angle to carry through to another limb should require advance setup.
IE you could be doing a mostly downward chop into the thigh/shin which would have no chance of being horizontal enough to carry through to the next leg.
Maybe the -1 should apply to BOTH rolls.
See also[]
- Cleaving Strike
- Optional Wounding Rules
- Body Hits
- Limb Hits