
Eye-Poke allows those with Brawling and Boxing to target the eye with a weak Crushing attack. GURPS Martial Arts 72.

It is the only way to (accidentally) hit a newly introduced hit location: bone around the eye. This is the only instance in which the Face is protected by the Skull DR: the skull's DR normally only protects the Brain.

This made targeting the eye more accessible to unarmed fighters.

In Basic Set there were only two ways to do this, since normal attacks were crushing, and crushing was forbidden from targeting the eyes:

  • B404 Lethal Strike via Karate : take -2 to hit and -1 to damage, converts crushing to piercing. This allows eyes/vitals to be targeted (crushing could not do that) and Basic Damage has minimum 1 instead of minimum 0.
  • B556's Critical Head Blow Table : target the face (or skull) from the front and roll a lucky 6/7. "treat it as an eye hit instead, even if the attack could not normally target the eye". This was available for non-karate attacks but could result in no damage to eye due to still having a minimum 0 for Crushing Damage.

See also[]
