This is an unoffical conversion of Fantastic Treasures (1984, 1985), a two volume set published by Mayfair games that listed items, not all of them magical, from myth, folklore, and legend.

Conversion Notes[]

These items run the gambit of Natural Magic and basic Enchantments to full blown divine origin. While none are on par with the insanity of D&D Artifacts some are potentially game breaking so care should be exercised when using some of these items.

  • The actual AD&D themed abilities and their bonuses have largely been stripped out to make them more compatible with GURPS
  • +x Protection has been rendered as Bless.
  • Some items are done with a mixture of both spells and advantages.
  • In some cases a description of what the items does is provided
  • Items that already appear in official GURPS works are not included

Related GURPS material[]


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Aaron's Rod Accuracy, Puissance, Create Fruit, Change into Snake Bible
Aarvak's Shoe Continual Light; Dispel Darkness Norse Myth, Classic: Vikings
Abracadabra Amulet Luck Advantage, 100 uses Folklore
Achilles' Shield Fortify, Defence, Continual Light Classic: Greece
Achilles' Spear wounds don't heal except for elixir made with rust of weapon Classic: Greece
Aconite Plant use in making pain reliever; higher dosages make it poisonous Historical
Adam Bell's Bow Accuracy, Puissance English Ballad, 1500s.
Aegir's Charm Stills any storm in a SM+19 (10 mi) Radius Norse Myth, Classic: Vikings
Aegis Fortify (whole body), Defence (whole body), Terror, Flesh To Stone Classic: Greece
Aeolus' Bag of the Winds Intensity of wind is directly proportional to how much the bag is opened Classic: Greece
Agaric Ignite Fire, Mushroom Natural Magic
Agnis' Javelin of Flame Accuracy, Flaming Weapon Hinduism
Ahayuta achis' Staves Weather College in a 62 hex radius/once per day Zuni mythology
Ailric's Longbow Accuracy, Puissance, Animal College! and Plant College! Magery 0 max Classic: Robin Hood
Aine's Magical Peas Essential Food when planted Irish mythology
Airi's Hidden Treasure Map Shows the way to a nearby treasure Indian folklore
Aitaveras Summons a spirit that steals goods; dispelled by light from a blessed candle Lithuanian
Akonda Strength Talisman Dahomey folklore
Akpou Control undead, energy is dependent on the strength of the liquor in it Dahomey folklore
Al's Scissors of Blinding Strike Blind Armenian mythology
Aladdin's Flying Carpet;
Jewel Trees;
Flying Carpet; Trees grow Jewels; Lamp and Ring summon Djinns Classic: Arabian Nights
Alberich's Belt of Strength;
Sword of Invincibility;
Cloak of Invisibility
ST+11; Accuracy, Puissance, Immunity to Magical Attacks; Invisibility Teutonic mythology
Alexander's Cup Carved from a single diamond Classic: Greece
Ali Baba's Charm Creates impenetrable wall of rock, can only be deactivated by passphrase Classic: Arabian Nights
Alicanto Bird that finds precious ore veins Central and South American folklore
Alimagba Charm Grants +2 to all abilities but only when on a set journey Dahomey folklore
Allheal Herb that heals wounds Stachys plant
Alligator Teeth Protects against witches, only works when a full set of teeth is present Sea Island People
Allison Gross's Wand Polymorph Others Scottish Legend
Alraun's Good Luck Charm Luck, Summon (Teutonic) Goblin Teutonic mythology
Ama-tsu-mara's Mirror Makes the sun appear, doesn't work at night or inside any structure Japanese Mythology
Ambrosia Grants Unaging and Immunity to Disease for 1 month Greek and Norse Myth
Amethyst When blessed by Bacchus this prevents one from getting drunk Classic: Greece
Anapel Divination varient: Determines if a person has been reborn, been subjected to Soul Jar or possession, or has possessed someone Koryak people
Ankh Resurrects if dead < 3 Days, restore lost limbs within < 12 hours, usable once/week Classic: Egypt
Annwfyn's Inexhaustible Cauldron Preserve Food Classic: Celtic Myth
Annwfyn's Well of Sweet Water Purify Water Classic: Celtic Myth
Antaeus' Boots of Wrestling Wearer is unbeatable in Wrestling contests as long as the boots touch the ground Classic: Greece
Antero Vipunen's Gift IQ+1, Per+3, teach spells (limited by unspent CP) Finnish Folklore
Aphrodite's Girdle Charm (opposite sex) with -5 to resist Classic: Greece
Apples of Ate Charm, Delusion (Apples are beneficial) Classic: Greece
Apple of Conle Essential Food that lasts a month/use, cumulative chance of Obsession (find where Apples grow and go there) Echtra Condla
Apples of the Hesperides Immortality, guarded by 100 headed serpent Classic: Greece
Apple of Prince Ahmed Cure any disease or disorder, heal any wound, only one tree bears this fruit and only for 1 month Classic: Arabian Nights
Aqhat's Bow Accuracy, Puissance, doubles all ranges Canaanite mythology
Arachne's Tapestry reveals events of past or future (50% of either), cumulative chance images involve user Classic: Greece
Argus' Figureheads "Warn helmsmen of shoals and other dangers, even in severe weather"; seen in Jason and the Argonauts Classic: Greece
Arjuna's Magic Bow; Magical Tome Accuracy, Puissance; Lend skill (permanently, fighter related) Hindu Mythology
Ark of the Covenant Powerful aura, will destroy any who try to use it for evil Bible
Arrows of Artemis & Apollo Accuracy, Puissance, can insta-kill, usable once Classic: Greece
Arrow of Earthquake Creation Accuracy, Puissance, Earthquake Chinese mythology
Arrow of Flying Accuracy, Puissance, thread allows up to 400 lbs to be carried by the arrow in flight Arabian Folklore
Arrow of Island Creation Island created has a minimum 62 hex radius Greek Legends
Arrow Ladder Allows a ladder to be shot, reaching as far as the heavens Native American stories
Arrow of Loha Penu Accuracy, Puissance, Missle Shield Madras god of iron
Arrow of Passage Detection Accuracy, Puissance, See Secrets Hawaiian legends
Arrow of Ten Geris Accuracy, Puissance, Bane (Evil Spirits) Buriat thunder god
Arrow of Whistling Accuracy, Puissance, Fear Japanese and Chinese mythology
Arrow without Bow Accuracy, Puissance, Dancing Weapon variant Koryak and Alaskan tales
Asklepios' Staff Heals all damage, Cures infirmities, Regenerates limbs, Resurrects dead <7 days old Classic: Greece
Atalanta's Sandals Enhanced Move Classic: Greece
Autolycus' Boots of Silence Hush Classic: Greece
Avalon Island heals or resurrects (if die on journey), possible Obsession (don't leave island) Classic: Camelot
Avenger's Sword Accuracy, Puissance, Dancing Weapon, quirk - can attack owner or leap out of scabbard in an encounter Danish folklore
Awl Boy's Corn Create Food, limit (must be thrown through window of building) Tewa Indian tale
Ax of Paul Bunyan ST18 required, Accuracy, Puissance, cut though tree < 3 ft (12) American Folklore
Ayar-Cachi's Ring of Superhuman Strength Boost ST Inca Mythology
Ayar-mancho's Rod of Fortress Construction Causes a fortress of 5,000 hex*2 minimum to appear when driven into ground, works only once Inca Mythology


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Baba Yaga's Hut; Well of Life; Iron Kettle Hut atop chicken legs; Immunity to Disease and Unaging for 1 year; Flight, Storm Russian and German Folklore

See Also: Strolling Hut; or Baba Yaga's Hut

Bags of Crushing Crushes anything put within them Brythonic mythology
Bagpipes of Charming Charm, Boost Skill/w Limit (Bard) Pied Piper of Hamelin
Bagpipes of Time Distortion Slow Time, Accelerate Time Celtic stories
Balmung Accuracy, Puissance, Bane (Dragons), Affliction (Heart Attack +300%, ) Nebelugenlied
Balor's Eye Affliction (Heart Attack +300%, Line of sight) Irish Mythology
Barashnum Cleanses any disease or affliction resulting from contact with the dead or undead, Cures victims of lycanthropy. Zoroastrian ritual
Basil Herb cures both the petrification and poison of the basilisk. Folklore
Beans of Magic Grows Jack's beanstalk which also provides food Jack and the Beanstalk
Bear's Ears ST+9 Caucasus folklore
Bells of Driving Terror (limited to dwarf, troll, giant, witch, ghost, or demon) Folklore
Bellerophon's Bridle (Animal) Control, Limit (must be used as a lasso to activate) Classic: Greece
Beltane Cakes Lesser Geas (pick up cake and stay away for 1 week) Beltane Festival
Beowulf's Sword Accuracy, Puissance, Bane (regenrating creatures) Old English poem
Berries of Stamina Essential Food and Essential Water Tlingit Indians legends
Bhumiya's Ring Change to opposite sex, hex Indian belief
Biersal Gremlin who cleans all jugs and bottles in cellar, must be given own jug of beer daily. Saxony folklore
Bifrost Helm Fortify, Deflect, see Bifrost bridge (2 hex radius) Norse Myth
Bodn Lend Skill (Poetry) Norse Myth
Borneo Magic Spells Cure Animal Bites; Clot Blood Kiau Dusun tribal magicians
Boxing Gloves of Polydeuces Lend Skill (Boxing) Classic: Greece
Bracers of Defense Bless NG
Bragi's Harp of Life Resurrection Norse Myth
Bran's Boots of Water Walking Walk on Water Brythonian mythology
Bran's Cauldron of Regeneration Resurrection Brythonian mythology
Brazen Serpent Heals those hurt by snakes when thrown in air and watcher thinks of related diety Bible
Brisingamen Affliction (obsession - must have neckless), improves Appearance Norse Myth
Bucephalus Highly skilled warhorse, Beast Speech (telepathic) Alexander the Great legends
al-Buraq Winged mule-like creature with Jumper (plane) Mohammed's steed


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Caduceus Legal Immunity (Diplomatic Pouch) when carried, Detect Magic, Seeker/w Limit (Treasure) Classic: Greece
Caeneus's Spear Change to opposite sex, Immunity to normal attacks [15] Classic: Greece
Cap o' Rushes Wearer is unrecognized (10) European folklore
Carbuncle of Power Continual Light, Sense Danger, Bless Bible and Quran
Cardea's Charm Protects wearer against vampires and witches Classic: Imperial Rome
Cassandra's Crown Divination once a week, Beast Speech Classic: Greece
Castle of Floating Granite Once freed from normal stone, this stone will float in air many mythologies
Caswallan's Sword Accuracy, Puissance, Invisibility (doesn't effect sword), Deflect, Fortify Brythonic mythology
Catseye of Power Immunity to Eye Contact Magic, Magic Resistance, Wealth (struggling) if Dead Broke Assyrian and Ceylonese folklore
Cephalus' Perfect Spear Puissance, Never misses its target, if thrown. Classic: Greece
Chang Kuo Lao's White Donkey;
Peach of Immortality
White Donkey travels 1,000 miles day and nothing can catch up it; Unaging for 10 years One of Taoist religion's Eight Immortals
Charm of Death Spell that must be sung; summons an apparition that moves in a spiral from a designated point within a mile away and cause the 1st 100 males it sees to be Afflicted with Heart Attack Shipaya Indians of South America
Chang Tao-ling's Spell Book Lengthen Limb, Jump, Plane Shift Taoist Master legend
Clim of the Clough's Longbow Accuracy, Puissance, English Folklore of Adam Bell
Cloak of Darkness Once per week, 3 objects can be changed into non-magical objects no more than 20 times larger, for 6 hours Irish fairy tales
Clover Charm Protection from Evil; Aura Folklore
Cormac's Cup Detect Lies, breaks if three lies are spoken in its presence. Reforms when truth is spoken Brythonic folklore
Cuchulain's Spears; Horse (Gray of Macha) Accuracy, Puissance, highest spear (Gae Bulg) also has create fire; Warhorse has +2 to hoof attacks Old Irish Legends
Cu Roi's Robe of Disguise Illusion Disguise Legends of Irish Wizard


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Daedalus' Endless Ball of String;

Wings of Flying

Endless Ball of String; Flight (Spell ends above certain height) Classic: Greece
Dagda Mor's Everfull Cauldron;
Two Magic Pigs;
Fruit Trees of Plenty;
Create Food; Unkillable; Always laden with Fruit; Weather College!; Accuracy, Puissance, Dancing Weapon with Heart Attack Classic: Celtic Myth
Daikokuten's Wooden Mallet Philosophersโ€™ Stone variant - only change things hit into gold Japansese mythology
David's Cuirass and Shield;

Helm of Understanding;
Sling of Slaying

Fortify, Deflect; Gift of Tongues; Accuracy, Puissance Bible
Devil's Club Wall of Thorns, Limit (must hit ground) Tlingit Indian belief
Diamond Kings' Sword of Speed;

Parasol of Power;
White Rat;

Accuracy, Puissance, Great Haste w/ Limit (only with attacks); Earthquake (upside down), Darkness *right side up), Limit (once per day) on both; Create Fire w/100 hex radius & Limit (once per day); Has Alternate Form (man-eating winged elephant) Chinese mythology
Dian Cecht's Spring Resurrection, Cure Disease, Regeneration Irish Mythology
Didi Charm Strength Elixir, protects against Lions Dahomey
Discus of Perseus Accuracy, Puissance, Loyal Sword Classic: Greece
Doc Cu'o'c's Battle Axe;


Accuracy, Puissance; Turn Zombie (variant), Weather Collage!, all limited to once per day Cochin and Annam (Mongolia) belief
Doctor Li's Talisman Soul Jar, Plane Shift (astral) Chinese mythology
Dor-je Protects against evil, Dispel Possession w/Limit (can only be used by Priest of relevant religion) Tibetan tradition
Dracaena Predict Weather-17 /w Limit (one day), Natural Magic Folklore
Dragon's Teeth Summons fully grown armed warriors that will follow summoner's orders for 1 hour Classic: Greece
Draupnir Odin's Arm-ring that produces 8 gold rings every 9th night Norse mythology
Dvalinn's Smithy Tools Work time and cost lessened 50% on normal items. 25% greater chance of success on enchanted items. Norse mythology
Dvergar's Cap & Cloak Invisibility, Cloth to Stone (items only)/w Limit (when hit by sunlight) Scandinavian folklore, Norse mythology
Dwarven Stones of Trapping;

Iron Rod of Opening;
Loaves of Satiation

Create Earth (stone); Lockmaster; Will cause creature placed in front of stop, eat loaf, and not take offensive action for I hour. European folklore


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Eir's Amulet Major Healing/w Limit (can only be used by females) Norse mythology
Eros' Arrows of Desire, Whip, and Axe Accuracy, Puissance, Lust or Love (Cosmic, Limit opposite sex) Classic: Greece
Everfull Bottle Create Water The Well of D'Yerree-in-Dowan fairy tale
Everfull Horn of Freyja Essential Food that replenishes itself Norse mythology
Excalibur Accuracy, Puissance, Charisma; Scabbard: Regeneration (very fast) or Unkillable Classic: Camelot
Faerie Cap and Cloak of Invisibility

Harp of Charming

Invisibility; Keen Sight elixir (can become permeant); Charm Classic: Faerie
Faerie Book of Spells Fear, Fog, Create Animal (horse) Classic: Faerie
Faet Fiada Shapeshift w/Limit (can only be used by Clerics or Druids) Druid tradition vague
Fakir's Butter Jar Create Food varient (Butter) Fakir folklore
Fakir's Rope Can hang in air allowing one to climb Fakir folklore
Faustian Spells Create Food, Apportation, Invisibility, Consult the Dead Johann Georg Faust folktales
Feathers of Attack Dancing Weapon, Shapeshift (killer whale) Snohomish Indian tale of the Five Brothers
Fenda Maria's Lamp Continual Light w/Limit (must contain fuel) Angolan folktale
Fionn mac Cumhaill's Mantle ST+13, Boost Skill (Fighter!), w/Limit (once a week for 8 hrs) Irish mythology
Fir Bolg Bags Become large ships when placed in water Irish mythology
Flint Protection from Lightning w/Limit (must be swung around head 3 times); Fortify, Deflect Vague
Flying Chariots Flight or Flying Carpet (variant) Chinese mythology
Forgall Manach's Magic Castle Model of castle that can stand for no more then 8 hours every 3rd day Classic: Celtic Myth
Forseti's Charm Reaction improvement Norse mythology
Fountain of Hippocrene bonus to musical, poetic, or other creative endeavor for 7 days Classic: Greece
Fragarach Puissance, Boost Skill (Two handed Sword-17) Classic: Celtic Myth
Freyja's Falcon Skin Cloak Shapeshift (Raven); Warmth Norse mythology
Freyr's Gullin-bursti;

Skidbladnir; Blodug-hofi; Dancing Sword

Boar w/ Immunity to all weapons; Ship that holds infinite amount, can travel land, sea, air, planes; Horse w/Dark Vision, Immunity to Magic and Fire; Accuracy, Puissance, Dancing Weapon Norse mythology
Freyr's Charm Lockmaster, (unlock/breaks anything that binds owner) Norse mythology
Fudo-myoo's Magic Lasso;

Sword of Mercy

Accuracy, Counterspell (Soul Jar); Accuracy, Puissance, Pacifism (Self-Defense Only, resisted by Will) Japanese mythology
Friar Tuck's Quarterstaff Accuracy, Puissance, Speed Classic: Robin Hood
Frithiof's Sword
Accuracy, Puissance Classic: Vikings
Frรณรฐi's Magic Millstones Happy: produces gold coins, Unhappy: Summons warriors, Curse Legendary Danish King


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Gabriel's Flaming Sword; Trumpet Accuracy, Puissance, Flaming Weapon; Rรฉsurrection Christian tradition
Gagates Repel Demon, Dispel Illusion-12 Legendary gems of Gages River in Lycia
Galahad's Shield Fortify, Deflect, Bless w/Limit (vs evil creature, can only be used by good characters) Classic: Camelot
Gandharva Weapons Accuracy, Puissance, Magery (Healing College), Charm w/Limit (females) Vedic mythology
Ganymede's Horses Horses with Flight, Jumper (Plane) Classic: Greece
Garuda's Charm Immunity to Poison and Bladed Weapons, Fire Resistance Hindu
Gawain's Magic Girdle Fortify, Deflect Bless, See Secrets w/ Limit (Traps) Classic: Camelot
Geush Urvan's Relics Bones grow plants when buried Iranian mythology
Giant-slaying Club Heart Attack w/Cosmic only against giants, 3 Strikes to activate Irish mythology
Gigantes' Herb Immunity to physical attacks Classic: Greece
Gjallarhorn Summon Norse mythically being (Norse god/goddess, light/gray elves, dwarves, fire giants with (8) Surtr one of them, frost giants (8) Thrum one of them, god/goddess from other pantheons, or all of the above with summoner in the middle of a battle Norse mythology
Glas Gaibleann Cow with inexhaustible milk supply Old Irish Legend
Glass Mountain Glass pyramid which expands on command NG
Gleipnir Ribbon that cannot be broken, cut, or damaged except during earthquakes Norse mythology
The Grail Can disappear in presence of non believers, Essential Food, Essential Water, turns water into Fertility elixir Christian tradition, Classic: Camelot
Gran Accuracy, Puissance, Immunity to physical attacks, Teutonic mythology
Grimhild's Potions Forgetfulness, Sleep, Suggestion, Breaks when drawn on 15 or higher, doubles moral of wielder and allies Norse mythology
Grรณgaldr Spells Health, Pathfinder, shape water, Charm, Release Fetters, Protection from Storms, Protection from Cold/Frost, Immunity from Curses, Eloquence The Spell of Grรณa poem, 17th-century
Gullveig's Charm Spell Power+1 to any Enchantment on Ash Wood wand, Limit (evil female wizards) Norse mythology
Gungnir Accuracy, Puissance, Double Damage Welsh mythology
Gwydion's Crystal Sphere Conjures up and controls up to 10,000 men up to 5,000 ft. away that lasts as long as caster maintains concentration

or 72 hours pass, Extended Lifespan 3

Gyges' Ring of Invisibility Invisibility, Ring will slip off on 17 or higher Plato's Republic


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Hades's Helm Invisability Classic: Greece
Hag of Beare's Elixir of Regeneration Youth (to age 20), Regeneration Elixir, can only be used 6 times Scottish and Irish folklore
Halak's Petrification Powder Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh (mixed with wine) Shaman of Senoi people
Halomancic Salt Bonus to Divination Classic: Egypt
Han Hsiang-tzu's Plants Reputation bonus Chinese mythology
Harmonia's Necklace Curse Classic: Greece
Harpalyce's Sandals Enhanced Move Classic: Greece
Harpoon of Horus 30 feet long with blade 6 feet wide, Affliction 4 Heart Attack Classic: Egypt
Harut and Marut Fallen Angels who raise all skills once, this prevents ant type of Resurrection, will kill anyone who asks for a second increase Moslem tradition
Hasan of Bassorah's Bird Garment; Turban of Invisibility; Staff of Djinni Summoning Gain Flight (Wings -25%) [30]; Invisibility; Summon Djinni Classic: Arabian Nights
Hatapatu's Sword; Sacred Cape Accuracy, Puissance. will cut off limb/head on critical success; teleport, returns to owner Mฤori tradition
Hecate's Flame Bless w/Limit 10 times, Continual Light Classic: Greece
Hedley Kow Increase Burden (self, until too heavy to lift) English fairy tale
Helios Lens Ignite Fire w/Limit (must be in line with sun) Classic: Greece
Helm of Heimdall Wearer sees and hears anything, anywhere on their plane of existence Norse mythology
Hephaestus's Magic Throne; Magic Net; Branding Irons; Talos Traps anyone that sits in it; Accuracy; Accuracy, Puissance, Flaming Weapon; automaton vulnerable only on left heel. Classic: Greece
Herakles' Club, Bow, Golden Sword; Nemean Lion skin (armor) Accuracy, Puissance; Immunity to impaling and cutting attacks (except for claws of Lion) Classic: Greece
Hermes' Winged Sandals; Traveler's Pouch Enhanced Move 3, Flight w/Limit (just enough to leave no tracks); Hideaway Classic: Greece
Hermรณรฐr's Coat and Helm Fortify Deflect, Continual Light, Tracking-20, all with Limit (must be used together) Norse mythology
Herne the Hunter's Silver Arrow Accuracy, Regeneration (Extreme, Fatigue only, only when firing bow), wielder appears in a slight difference location William Shakespeare's 1597 play The Merry Wives of Windsor
Hiawatha's Moccasins Silent /w Limit (leather or less armor), Very Fit Native American legends
Hkaung-beit-set Deflect, Fortify Burmese tradition
Hlidskajalf Throne allows occupant to see and hear anything in Gladsheim or earth. Norse mythology
Hoddmรญmis holt (Hodmimir's Forest) Fireproof on area Norse mythology
Hoo's Baldercake, Girdle of Victory ST+12 for 8 hours, Bless variant (area) Danish king in Norse mythology
Horn of Farspeaking Great Voice variant Welsh mythology, King Llefelys
Hreiรฐmarr's Book of Spells Daze, Binding attack, Fumble Norse mythology
Hylas's Gloves Wearer rows like entire bank of rowers on galley ship granting Enhanced Move 0.5 to ship. Classic: Greece
Hyperborean Cloak Warmth variant Classic: Greece


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Illa Talisman Bless, Resistant to Poison Incan tradition
Inexhaustible Nut Essential Food, enough for 4 weeks w/Limit (only as nuts) Native American folklore
Inexhaustible Purse generates coins if one of a certain denomination is placed into, on Critical Success will produce a gem
Izanagi's Sword Accuracy, Puissance, decapitates on 3-4 Japanese Kojiki collection of ancient stories, Japanese mythology
Jacinth of Power Immunity to Disease, Puissance, Resist Lightning, Reputation bonus Bible (Exodus)
Jack Charm Points in a straight line to destination Southern United States folklore
Jacob's Ladder Plane Shift, Immunity to non magical attacks, HP 50 Bible (Genesis)
Jade: Blue; Lavender, White; Black; Vermillion-flecked; Gold Flecked keeps body and soul intact; Bless; Detect Poison; mixing with wine gives more resistance to heat, cold, hunger, and thirst for 1 month; mixing with dew gives Resistant to Poison, ST+2 for 1 month Chinese folklore
Jarl's Runes Heal/Remove Pain; Extinguish Fire; Calm Seas; Beast Speech (Birds) Rigsthula, story regarding Danish kings
Jasper Walk on Water, Resist Lightning NG
Jericho Horn Earthquake Bible
Jewel-producing Potion After drinking once per day for month, drinker will laugh, cry, or spit out a gem. Folklore around the world
Jimsonweed Acts like slow as narcotic, Healing Elixir as Ointment Classic: Arabian Nights
Joe Magarac's Gloves ST+10, Resist Heat/Cold (hands only) American folklore
John Henry's Hammer Min ST 17, Enhanced Speed when driving spikes American folklore
Jonah's Diamond Continual Light, Dispel Darkness Bible
Joseph's Shirt Restores sight when wrapped around head, works once per person Qur'an


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Kaaba Moslem sacred shrine that fulfills conditions for a quest when pilgrimage made to it. Islam religion
Kalevala Boost (Attribute), must be sung Finland folklore and mythology
Kanaima Hatred Elixir Carib? vague
Kantele of Vรคinรคmรถinen Stringed instrument: Charm w/Limit (one subject/day) Finish folklore
Karshipta Bird Divination (bad event) w/ Limit (once a week) Persian mythology
Kay's Pendant Hold Breath for 9 days, Enlarge, Heat, Dry Classic: Camelot
Keresaspa's Gauntlets Boost ST, chance of burning out Iranian mythology
Keys of Black Iron Counterspell (Shapeshift), Deflect Various cultures
Khidr Sea Spirit Quell storms, Wind, Walk on Water Arabic and Islamic folklore
Khvarenanh Bless w/Limit (against Demons), Knightly aura for 1 month Persian tradition
Killing by Pointing Stone Affliction (Heart Attack, limit three times per day) Native American traditions
King of Ireland's Son's Marksmanship; Hood of Hearing; Hose of Speed; Tunic of Mighty Lungs; Gloves of Stone-breaking; Day Cap of Invisibility; Shoes of Teleportation; Sword of Cutting; Pin of Sleeping Accuracy, Puissance, Range x3, Hawk Vision w/Limit (unusable in combat); Keen (Sense, Hearing); Great Haste; Wing; Shatter w/Limit (stone); Invisibility w/Limit (daylight); Teleportation; Accuracy, Puissance, severs limit on critical success; Sleep Ireland legend
Kintaro's Ring Bless Japanese legend
Kipriano Prayer Roll Protection Against Magic; Truthtelling; Neutralize Poison Armenia tradition
Klieng's Breastplate Immunity to Wood Borneo mythology
Knife of Death Accuracy, Puissance, Affliction (Heart Attack) Micmacs, a tribe of northeastern Algonquin Indians, tradition
Knife of Poison Detection Detect Poison, Prevents being taken to faerie Realm when in Leprechaun's door, Prevents Nag hag attacks if under bed medieval European belief
Knots of Sorcery Steal Vitality when 7 knots tied, effect lasts until knots untied or subject get 10 miles away from item Islam tradition
Knotted Handkerchief Wind strong enough to fill sails and provide Move 11 for 8 hours if unknotted at sea NG
Kokkara Musical Instrument w/Charm Kanika tribe of India
Kor's Flame of Immortality Grants Immortality Africa legendary city
Kotwal's Charm Bless India folklore
Kresnik's Ring Accuracy, Puissance, Bless, all w/Limit (monsters), Boost Skill, inverted Deflect and Fortify if not female Slovenes mythology
Krishna's Fiery Discus Accuracy, Puissance, Loyal Weapon, Flaming Weapon Hindu mythology
Kuan Ti's Talisman Boost Skill -Diplomacy/w Limit (peaceful endeavors) Chinese mythology
Kubera's Staff of Treasure Finding; Pushpaka; Wondrous Honey Accuracy, Puissance, Find Treasure; Self-propelled litter: Hideaway (5 miles, 100,000 people limit), Max move 25; Restores sight, grants Immortality w/ability to change age [148] Hindu mythology
Kun's Swelling Soil Create Earth w/Limit (must be wet) Chinese mythology
Kusa Grass Tangle Growth Indian folklore


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Laevateinn Accuracy, Puissance, wound made do not heal naturally Norse mythology
Lamp of Detecting Lies Detect Lies, Light NG
Lancelot du Lac's Magic Saddle provides bonus to combat, rider cannot be unseated Classic: Camelot
Leander's Girdle of Swimming Walk on Water Classic: Greece
Leg Grease Lend Skill (Running) for 1 week Apache Indian folklore
Leprechaun's Crock of Treasure;
Three Wishes; Staff;
Charmed Shilling;
Talisman of Teleportation
Leprechaun will reveal treasure;
Grant three Great Wishes;
Cripple Limb, Regeneration w/Limit (usable by Leprechauns and halflings);
Will generate coins if in red silk purse;
Classic: Faerie
Lha-K'a's Arrow Cure Disease, Cure Poison, Heal w/Limit (must be rolled in flour), Tibetan sorcerer
Lia Fail Thunderclap w/Limit (when rightful ruler steps on it) Ireland folklore
Lif's Medallion Sleep, Utter Dome, Link Norse mythology
Life Token Gives a sign when person it is associated with is hurt, falls ill, or dies European and Asian
Linden Bark Prevents druckenness for 8 hours if worn or ingested Roman medical lore
Liew Llaw Gyffes' Truesilver Bracelet Grants Accuracy, Puissance to missile weapons Welch mythology
Lodestone of Power Mana Enhancer when soaked in linseed oil or' powerful magnetic field, Bless w/Limit (Defense only) NG
Loki's Shoes of Travel;
Belt of Shapeshifting
Allows Travel through Air and Water as if it was land and mountains as if they were level ground;
Partial Shapeshifting
Norse mythology
Lotus of Enchantment Drunkenness Elixir Classic: Greece
Luck Ball Bless, Sense Danger-10 United States folklore
Lugh's Healing Herbs Key ingredient of special Health-Universal Antidote Elixir Irish Mythology
Lugh's Sling Accuracy, Puissance
Lukuman's Charm Cure Disease, Dispel Possession, works by trapping the affliction as per Soul Jar and therefor can only work once Surinam folklore
Lung Wang's Token Produces violent storm with waterspout when placed in water Chinese mythology
Lu-tsu's Wonderful Sword Accuracy, causes hair of person hit to fall out, Haircut if subject is willing Chinese mythology
Lycanthropy Medallion Transformation Charm Folklore
Lyre of Building Asportation, Shape Earth (stone) Classic: Greece
Lychnis Continual Light Lucian


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Mabinogion Magic Items: Medyr's Gloves;
Drem's Lenses;
Sgilti Lightfoot's Boots
Accuracy, w/Limit (missile weapons); triple missile range, Hawk Vision; Silence Welsh stories
Macha's Talisman of Speed Enhanced Move w/Limit (cannot speed of swiftness or source) Old Irish legend
Magic Canoe Command word cause Canoe to move at maximum speed Great Lake Native American folklore
Magic Cauldron Teleportation w/Limit (between two bodies of water) Classic: Arabian Nights
Magic Comb When thrown down makes a 10,000 square yards forest with trees 100 feet high magically appear vague
Magic Ship Ship that holds crew of 20 and cargo up to 10,000 cubic feet. Can summoned and accept telepathic steering commands, Propels itself at Move 3, Fire Resistance Seafaring races' mythologies
Magsawi Will answer 1 question per 6 hours at skill 12 Jungle beliefs
Manannan Mac Lir's Awl;
Mantle of Shapeshifting;
Accuracy, Puissance;
Weather Dome w/Limit (hung from twig);
travel over seas and oceans;
Illusion Shell w/Limit once per week for 8 hours;
Create Food w/Limit (flour or wheat)
Old Irish folklore
Mandrake Potion: Immunity to physical attacks w/Limit (10 min), Raw: detect treasure NG
Mani Bless, Continual Light Hindu mythology
Mฤui's Fishing Line strong, nearly unbreakable, very thin, only cuttable on critical success with item enhanced with Accuracy, Puissance Polynesian mythology
Marsk Stig's Sword Accuracy, Puissance, Bane (Evil opponents), Sense Foes Danish folklore hero
Marsyas' Cursed Aulos Lend Skill (Musical Composition, Musical Instrument) w/Quirk (must show off ability in unsuitable circumstances) Classic: Greece
Maruts' Items: Spear; Helmet; Poultice Accuracy, Puissance, Lightning, Shatter (wood on impact); Levitation w/Limit (light as a feather), Heal Elixir Vedic mythology
Medea's Items: Potion; Robe Fire Resistance elixir; Poisons wearer, Create Fire Classic: Greece
Melampus' Necklace of Animal Communication Beast Speech Classic: Greece
Merlin's Spells Shapeshift, Lighten (Stone) Classic: Camelot
Mermaid's Cap Breath Water, capture prevents mermaid from escaping vague
Midas Magic Change what is touched into gold, neutralized by water from a certain river Classic: Greece
Milesian Amulet of Sea Safety Anyone on board a ship with this amulet causes the ship to be unsinkable Old Irish mythology
Mimir's Well; Forest Images of the Past, Divination; Essential Wood (Natural Magic) Norse mythology
Mirror of al-Asnam Detect Lies Classic: Arabian Nights
Mirrors of Body Trapping Entombment variant Chinese mythology
Mistletoe Protection from undead Elixir Roman and Norse mythology
Moly Bonus to an clerical spells when used as material component NG
Moonstone Resist Fire NG
Moon Tree and Sun Tree Divination w/Limit one question per tree at correct time Alexander the Great via Aristotle
Mordred's Pendant of Persuasiveness Charisma Classic: Camelot
Morgan le Fay's Ring; Crystal Orb Invisibility; Shapeshift; Invisibility (area effect) Classic: Camelot
Mringanka Accuracy, Puissance, can demoralize those facing sword wielder, Dominion Indian mythology
Mustard Seeds Resist Poison (Natural Magic) NG


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Naga's Elixir; Image Immunity to Disease, Unaging; Rain (Ritual Magic) Hindu mythology
Nag-pa's Hat and Breastplate of Demon Resistance Fortify, Deflect, Bless w/Limit (against demons) garb of Tibetan wizard
Naglfar Creates a variant of Naglfar, Move 6, holds 20 people Norse mythology
Nakali Charm Allows perfect balance when walking on a narrow bridge. Miskito Indians, Central America, legends
Nala's Chariot Move 50 on roads designed for chariots Indian mythology
Narmada River Water Universal Antidote (only works on serpent poison) Hindu mythology
Nettle Bravery Elixir w/Resist Lightning NG
Ngona Horn Breath Water, normal move under water, Find a person, Lockmaster, Shrink Wahungwe people of southern Zimbabwe
Nguneme Hinders efforts to steal anything in room Dohomey people
Nibelungen Treasure Increase Wealth but also has Curse Norse mythology
Nightingale Poison Prevents sleep, takes 1 HT per week, requires Cure Poison and Regeneration by a holy man to cure European folklore
Nimrod's Robe Accuracy, puissance w/Limit (Hunting, regards to IQ < 6 monsters, animals) Bible
Niord's Glove Can absorb as much as 1000 liters of water at 1l/s, can be rung out at 1l/4 s Norse mythology
No-Cha's Trousers; Bracelet; Bow of Demon Slaying Boil Water; Accuracy, Heart attack /w Limit must be used as missile weapon, Explosive Fireball; Banish Chinese mythology
Nuts of Knowledge Understand the languages of all animals, plants and the wind for a period of 1 year. Ireland faire stories


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Ob Lend Skill (Ventriloquism-20) or Summon Spirit Hebrew belief
Obstacle Hair Brush; Thorn; Mirror All items effect a 4 hex radius (37 hexes) area: Create Spikes; Tangle Growth (thicket); Create lake 3 hexes deep in center vague
Odin's Auger; Whetstone; Spear Gungnir; 13 Charms Create 1" diameter hole in any substance at 1"/60 turns; Flash; Never misses target; Healing, Fortify, Sense Danger, Lockmaster w/Shatter, Stop Missile, Reverse effect, Extinguish Fire, Calm or create storms, traps any wizard for 1d6 turns, Immunity to Metal and Fire to all allies in 100 hex radius for 30 turns, Speak with Dead, Subduction-12, Faithfulness Norse mythology
Oenone's Unguents Heal elixir Classic: Greece
Old Man of the Mountain's Belt Bless 1 GURPS Crusades, Assassin symbol
Opal of Power Dark Vision NG
Ophir Fantastically rich City Bible
Orpheus' Lyre Charm Classic: Greece
Osiris' Scale of Truth Detect Lies (cosmic) Classic: Egypt


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Pan's Pipes Fear-25 Classic: Greece
Pande Weapons Accuracy, Puissance Bali blacksmiths
Parasurama's Axe ST18 Min, Accuracy, Puissance (cosmic) Hindu Mythology
Parijata Great Wish per week per being Hindu mythology
Peaches of Immortality Immortality Chinese mythology
Pearl Mixed with wine to make Universal Antidote Chinese folklore
Periclymenus' Girdle Alternate Form, limited to physical ability (no magical abilities of that form) Classic: Greece
Perkunas's Bullets Sling automatically hit Lithuanian Mythology
Perseus' Sickle; Kibisis Accuracy, Puissance /limited beings able to use Flesh to Stone; Lighten Burden Classic: Greece
Philtre of Stamina and Endurance Can exert self to maximum capacity for 24 hours without rest, food, drink, or negative effects from exertion. Chinese mythology
Phurbu Accuracy, Puissance w/Limit Demons Used by Tibetan sorcerers and priests
Pleiadic Rain Charm Rain-12 once per week up to 100 miles away Arabian folklore
Polyidus' Herb of Resurrection Resurrection elixir, 21 days within death Classic: Greece
Pot of Capturing Entombment Native American mythology
Prester John's Emerald Scepter Control Temperature in 5 miles radius, Create Water, Essential Food (as animal that is summoned, killed. and cooked), Flame Jet w/Limite (must be immersed in dragon blood) European Legend
Prince Kobo's Brush Write a message on liquid, which can be read when the liquid is poured, Japanese Mythology Japanse Mythology
Puca Can give Bless vs Undead, Speak with animals. Irish Folklore


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Qaf A great emerald range of mountains that encircles the world beyond the ring of ocean as well as the name of mountains the Caucasus range. The former is the home of the Djinn. Arabic and Moslem mythology Arabic and Moslem mythology
Quirin Stone Truthsayer, Divination, causes subject to talk in their sleep, revealing their closest secrets and answering all questions without waking up. NG
Ragnar Lodbrok's Armor Fortify, Deflect Classic: Vikings
Rahab's Amulet Summons Sea Monster-8 Bible
Ran's Net Entangles all (including owner) is a 33 hex radius. Rรกn is the goddess of storms and the drowned dead
Raphael's Sword Cure Disease, Accuracy, Puissance w/Bane (Demons) Judeo-Christian Angel
Ravana's Phylactery Invulnerably to Divine attacks Hindu Mythology
Rip Van Winkle Potion Suspended Animation position, (cosmic), duration 20 years American Folklore
Rishi's Ring of Transference Doppelgรคnger (cosmic, allows use of magic), Hindu mythology Hindu Mythology
Rising Rock Shape Earth to form a mesa 1d6 x 2 hexes tall and 3d/3 hexes in diameter Native American folklore
Robin Hood's Longbow; Longsword; Cloak Accuracy, Puissance, Lend Skill (fast-draw, arrow); Accuracy, Puissance, Continual Light; Camouflage-15 Classic: Robin Hood
Roland's Horn; Sword[note 1] Hearable by ally up to 1000 mi away; Accuracy, Puissance, Legendary soldier of Charlemagne (774 - 814)
Rope of Trickery Can stand vertically allowing people to climb it, Sanctuary variant at top Indian folklore
Rosemary Memory Elixir (varient); perfectly recall last 24 hours NG
Round Table Expands to accomodate up to 1600 people Classic: Camelot
Ruby of Foretelling Sense Danger variant (Ill fortune) NG
Rue and Vervain grants Accuracy to weapons boiled in these herbs, lasts 1 week NG
Rumplestiltskins' Spinning Wheel Transmutation of straw into gold, a price must be paid for the loan and use of the wheel German fairy tale

R Notes[]

  1. โ†‘ The volume this is in claims Roland was lived in the 9th to 10th centuries when in reality he died in the 8th century


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Sabdabhedi Bolt Will always successfully hit the noisiest target within 100 hexes Indian mythology
Saga's Charm Immunity to Drunkenness Norse Myth
Saint George's Lance Accuracy, Puissance w/Bane (Dragons and lizards) Restore Fertility Legend
Saint Nicholas' Sack Create Food (grain); grain reduces sea mishaps when carried on ship Patron saint of  Russia, sailors, thieves, and children
Sampo produces gold coins, Create Food, Create Water Finland mythology
Sani's Eye Decapitation Hindu Mythology
Sapphire Possible ingredient in Healing Elixir NG
Scarab Ring Resurrection-14 w/Limit (usable once) NG
Scythes' Exercises Improves ST Classic: Greece
Seide Bless 1 Sacred stones of Lapp people
Seven-League Boots Allows one to Jump seven Leagues (20.714 miles) once per day Hemrod of Norse Myth
Sferra Cavallo Lockmaster (Natural Magic) NG
Shirt of Nessus Sets fire to whoever puts it on Classic: Greece
Shoes of Vidar Hush Norse Myth
Shu Legendary treasure city of Alexander the great Classic: Greece
Siegfried's Sword Accuracy, Puissance w/Bane (dragons), Detect Dragons Norse Myth
Silver Bullet/weapon; Nails Key material component for items ment to harm ghosts, wizards, witches, giants, or were-creatures; material component for Sealing a coffin so that undead can't escape NG
Silver Bell of Lohebgrin Create Warrior w/Armor and weapons, 1d6 Teutonic mythology
Silver Branch Sleep Irish mythology
Singing Harp Voice variant - will repeat any music it has heard perfectly. Jack and the Beanstock
Skanda's Javelin Shatter w/Limit stone Hindu Mythology
Skofnung Lend Skill (Fighter!) or Weapon Master Hrolf Kraki's sword
Sleipnir Horse with Enhanced Move 2, Jumper (Plane) Norse Myth
Solomon's Seal Immunity to Disease, Pentagram Legend
Spear of Bishamon-ten Accuracy, Puissance, Insta-kill demons it hits Buddhist legends
Spear of Armor Piercing (Goruba-Dike) Ignores any Dodge or DR of armor Fulbe tribe in Africa
Spike of Huang Tien Hua Fires a Laser beam (Burning Attack 1) Chinese mythology
Spruce Cone Imitate Voice, Sound Tlingit Indians
Staff of Multiple Striking Extra Attack with weapon African Mande Tribe
Stromkarl's Tunes makes people who hear it dance Scandinavia waterfall folklore
Surtr's Flaming Sword ST18 to use, Accuracy, Puissance, w/Bane (cold beings) for higher levels Norse Myth
Sword of Distance Cutting Reach 17 European legends
Sword of Light Continual Light (daylight) for 33 hex radius Irish fairy tale of Prince Cart's adventure at the Well of D'yerree-in-Dowan
Sword of Sir Balin Accuracy, Puissance, Curse w/Limit (if request to return sword is refused) Classic: Camelot


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Tai-i-Chen-jen's Miraculous Sphere Flesh to Stone (cosmic) Legends of Taoist priest
Talisman of Mapping Type 1: Draws perfect map of any territory wearer has traveled, Type 2: allows terrain in 100 hex radius to be changed Chinese mythology
Thjalfi's Ring of Fleetness Enhanced Move Norse Myth
Thimble Boat Turns into a boat NG
Thor's Mjolnir (War Hammer) ST23 min, Accuracy, Puissance, Lightning Norse Myth
Thor's larn Greiper (Iron Glove) Fire Resistance w/Limit (hands only) Norse Myth
Thor's Megin-gjord (Magic Belt) Doubles ST Norse Myth
Thor's Staff Shatterpoof (cosmic) Norse Myth
Thunder Boomerang ST11 min, Strike Deaf 100 hex radius Australian aborigines folklore
Thyme Strength Elixir Classic: Faerie
Tiresias' Staff Lend Skill (Blind Fighting) Beast Speech Classic: Greece
Tobacco Heal elixir South American folklore
Topaz Monk's Banquent w/Limit (Water, lasts only 7 days, and gem shrinks with use) NG
Trumpet of Demon Resistance Terror w/Limit (demon) Bali Mythology
Trumpet of Fear Fear, Terror, w/Limit (twice a day 50 hex radius Chinese mythology
Trumpet of Warning Sound w/Limit (any IQ6< being in area, 300 hex radius) NG
Trumpet of Wishes Great Wish NG
Turquoise Cannot be involuntarily dismounted from steed NG
Tyrfing Accuracy, Puissance, Dancing Weapon (quirked to critical success on hit), sheds blood when unsheathed Norse Myth


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Ull's Bow; Skis Accuracy, Puissance; Apportation, Haste, Slide Norse Myth
Unicorn's Horn Detect Poison, Wands made from it gain Mana Pool quirk European Mytholgies
Vainamoinen's Unguents; Scythe Cure Disease, Regeneration Elixir; Accuracy, Puissance, fell any tree Finish Mythology
Valkyries Arm Bracelet Strike blind, Flight (on ethereal horse), Immunity to non magical Weapons, Kiss (Heart Attack w/ Cosmic) Norse Myth
Varuna's Noose Accuracy, Limit Veldic Mythology
Vishnu's Mace Accuracy, Puissance, Bane (undead), Turn Zombie variant (all Undead) Hindu Mythology


Item Spells/Function/Special Traits Origin/Related Material
Water from Underworld Rivers Lethe: forget everything; Styx: Invulnerability Elixir Classic: Greece
Well de D'yerree One drink will heal all wounds, cure any disease, or restore a lost limb. Located in Dowan Irish fairy tale
Were-shifting Ointment Transformation Elixir European Folklore
Whetstone of Obstruction Becomes larger when thrown to ground Tales of Tlingit Indians
White Staff of Meldorf Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, must touch subject Teutonic mythology
William of Cloudesly's Bow Accuracy, Puissance, double normal rate of fire Legend of Adam Bell, Classic: Robin Hood
William Tell's Crossbow If aimed shot automatic succeeds Legend of William Tell
Witch's Broom (staff or pitchfork) of Flying; Ring of Protection; Wand Flight; Bless (limited to Fortify, Deflect); Invisibility, Magic Resistance, Magery bonus European folklore
Wooden Head of Warding When activated will try to kill ever living thing with in a 90 degree arc for 200 ft to a mile away with a cone of sound Maoris folklore of New Zealand.
Xanthos and Balios Horses with Enhanced Move, ability to speak, Prophecy, Immortality Classic: Greece
Yama's Noose Allows other healing spells to function as Resurrection if wrapped around body before death or within 1 hour after death Hindu and Vedic mythologies
Yarrow Great Healing, Limit (only damage done by edged or pointed weapons) various
Yech's Cap Boost ST, Invisibility, Shapeshift, Limit (only one ability can be active) Native American folklore
Yima's Ring and Goad Either item: Immunity to Disease, protects from fowl weather, having both grants Unaging Persian mythology
Zlotobaba Wish with skill level dependent on wealth offered Idol at head of Ob River in Russia

Selected Bibliography and links[]

  • Aarneโ€“Thompsonโ€“Uther Index wikipedia
  • Asimov's Guide to the Bible, by Isaac Asimov. Avon. New York: 1968.
  • The Book of Imaginary Beings, by Jorge Luis Borges. E.P. Dutton and Company, New York: 1969.
  • A Book of Myths, selected by Roger Lancelyn Green. E.P. Dutton and Company, New York: 1965.
  • Bulfinch's Mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch. Random House Modern Library, New York: 1937.
  • Dictionary of Myths, Folklore, and Symbols, Parts 1-3, by Gertrude Jones. Scarecrow Press, New York, 1961.
  • The Fantasy Gamer's Compendium, by Phil Edgren. Gamescience, Inc., Gulfport: 1983.
  • The Golden Bough, volumes 1-12, by Sir James G. Frazer. Macmillan and Company, London: 1907-1915.
  • Great Fairy Tales of Ireland, compiled by Mary McGarry. Wolf Publishing/-Avenel Books, New York: 1973.
  • The Greek Myths, volumes 1-2, by Robert Graves. Penguin Books, Balti- more: 1955.
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell. The Bollingen Foundation, New York: 1949.
  • The Immortals, by Derek and Julia Barker. Webb & Bower. Exeter, England: 1976.
  • The Impossible People, by Georgess McHarque. Dell Publishing, New York: 1972.
  • Larousse World Mythology, edited by Pierre Grimal. The Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd., London (et al.): 1965.
  • Legends of the World, edited by Richard Cavendish. Schlocker Books, New York: 1982.
  • List of fairy tales (wikipedia)
  • Man and His Gods: Encyclopedia of the World's Religions, edited by Geoffrey Parrinder. The Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd., London (et al.): 1971.
  • Motif-Index of Folk Literature, Vols. 1-6, by Stith Thompson. Indiana University Press, Bloomington: 1975.
  • Mythology, by David Leeming. Newsweek Books, New York: 1976.
  • Myths, by Alexander Eliot. McGraw-Hill, New York: 1976.
  • The Norse Myths, by Kevin Crossley-Holland. Pantheon Books, New York: 1980.
  • Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, edited by Maria Leach. Funk and Wagnalls, New York: 1949-1950.