When you fail a Fright Check, roll 3d, add your margin of failure on the Fright Check, and consult the combined and refined 2006 Fright, Awe and Confusion Table by Ben Finney below.
Roll | Effect |
4, 5 | Stunned for one second, then recover automatically. |
6-7 | Stunned for one second. Every second after that, roll vs. unmodified Will to snap out of it. |
8, 9 | Stunned for one second. Every second after that, roll vs. Will, plus whatever bonuses or penalties you had on your original roll, to snap out of it. |
10 | Stunned for 1d seconds. Every second after that, roll vs. modified Will, as above, to snap out of it. |
11 | Stunned for 2d seconds. Every second after that, roll vs. modified Will, as above, to snap out of it. |
12 | Incapacitated, as per specific effect below; see Incapacitating Conditions (p. B428). Depending on the circumstances, this may be merely inconvenient, or humiliating.
13 | Acquire a new mental quirk
14, 15 | Lose 1d FP, and take 1d seconds of stunning as per 10. |
16 | Stunned for 1d seconds, as per 10, and acquire a new quirk, as per 13. |
17 | Fall down, incapacitated, for 1d minutes, as per specific effect below.
18 | Incapacitated as per 17, but also roll vs. HT immediately. On a failure, take 1 HP of injury as you collapse. |
19 | Incapacitated, as per 17, for 2d minutes. Immediately take 1 HP of injury as you collapse. |
20 | Incapacitated, as per 17, for 4d minutes. Also, lose 1d FP. |
21 | Feeble-minded activity, as per specific effect below. After duration, roll vs. unmodified Will once per minute to snap out of it.
22, 23 | Acquire a [-10] mental disadvantage, as below.
24 | Major physical effect, set by GM: hair turns white, age five years overnight, go partially deaf, etc. In game terms, acquire [-15] worth of physical disadvantages (for this purpose, each year of age counts as -3 points). |
25 | If you already have a [-5] to [-10] disadvantage that could logically result from this encounter, it worsens to a [-15] trait! |
26 | Incapacitated as per 18, and acquire a new [-10] disadvantage as per 22. |
27 | Incapacitated as per 18, and acquire a new [-10] disadvantage as per 23. |
28 | Light coma. You fall unconscious, rolling vs. HT every 30 minutes to recover. For 6 hours after you come to, all skill rolls and attribute checks are at -2. |
29 | Coma. As per 28, but you are unconscious for 1d hours. Then roll vs. HT. If the roll fails, remain in a coma for another 1d hours, and so on. |
30 | Catatonia. Stare into space for 1d days. Then roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, remain catatonic for another 1d days, and so on. If you have no medical care, lose 1 HP the first day, 2 the second, and so on. If you survive and awaken, all skill rolls and attribute checks are at -2 for as many days as the catatonia lasted. |
31 | Seizure. You lose control of your body and fall to the ground in a fit lasting 1d minutes and costing 1d FP. Also, roll vs. HT. On a failure, take 1d of injury. On a critical failure, you also lose 1 HT permanently. |
32 | Stricken. You fall to the ground, taking 2d of injury in the form of a mild heart attack or stroke. |
33 | You lose control of your actions, as per specific effect below. The GM rolls 3d: the higher the roll, the more useless your reaction.
34, 35 | As 22, but the disadvantage is worth [-15].
36 | Severe physical effect, as per 24, but equivalent to -20 points of physical disadvantages. |
37 | Severe physical effect, as per 24, but equivalent to -30 points of physical disadvantages. |
38 | Coma, as per 29, and a [-15] disadvantage, as per 34. |
39 | Coma, as per 29, and -20 points of physical disadvantages, as per 36. |
40+ | As 39, above, but victim also loses one point in an attribute, as below.
These losses are permanent. |