
When you fail a Fright Check, roll 3d, add your margin of failure on the Fright Check, and consult the combined and refined 2006 Fright, Awe and Confusion Table by Ben Finney below.

Fright Check: Fright, Awe, and Confusion Table
Roll Effect
4, 5 Stunned for one second, then recover automatically.
6-7 Stunned for one second. Every second after that, roll vs. unmodified Will to snap out of it.
8, 9 Stunned for one second. Every second after that, roll vs. Will, plus whatever bonuses or penalties you had on your original roll, to snap out of it.
10 Stunned for 1d seconds. Every second after that, roll vs. modified Will, as above, to snap out of it.
11 Stunned for 2d seconds. Every second after that, roll vs. modified Will, as above, to snap out of it.
12 Incapacitated, as per specific effect below; see Incapacitating Conditions (p. B428). Depending on the circumstances, this may be merely inconvenient, or humiliating.
  • Fright: Retching for (25 - HT) seconds, and then roll vs. HT each second to recover.
  • Awe: Ecstasy for (25 - Will) seconds, and then roll vs. Will each second to recover.
  • Confusion: Dazed for (25 - IQ) seconds, and then roll vs. Will each second to recover.
13 Acquire a new mental quirk
  • Fright causes quirks that are mild phobias.
  • Awe inspires quirks that reflect admiration.
  • Confusion leads to quirks that suggest bafflement or perplexity.
14, 15 Lose 1d FP, and take 1d seconds of stunning as per 10.
16 Stunned for 1d seconds, as per 10, and acquire a new quirk, as per 13.
17 Fall down, incapacitated, for 1d minutes, as per specific effect below.
  • Fright: Unconscious (faint); after duration, roll vs. HT each minute to recover.
  • Awe: Ecstasy; after duration, roll vs. Will each minute to recover.
  • Confusion: Hallucinating; after duration, roll vs. Will each minute to recover.
18 Incapacitated as per 17, but also roll vs. HT immediately. On a failure, take 1 HP of injury as you collapse.
19 Incapacitated, as per 17, for 2d minutes. Immediately take 1 HP of injury as you collapse.
20 Incapacitated, as per 17, for 4d minutes. Also, lose 1d FP.
21 Feeble-minded activity, as per specific effect below. After duration, roll vs. unmodified Will once per minute to snap out of it.
  • Fright causes panic. You run around screaming, sit down and cry, or do something equally pointless for 1d minutes.
  • Awe cases you to worship at the feet of the one who awed you โ€“ you must obey his every command as if you had Slave Mentality! Effect lasts 3d minutes.
  • Confusion causes you to hallucinate (the GM specifies the details, which should fit the situation); you can try to act, but you're out of touch with reality and at -5 to all success rolls. Effect lasts 3d minutes.
22, 23 Acquire a [-10] mental disadvantage, as below.
  • Fright: Acquire a [-10] Delusion (p. B130), Phobia (p. B148), or other mental disadvantage.
  • Awe impels you to adopt one of your new idol's self-imposed mental disadvantages, turns you into a slave (Reprogrammable) or makes you feel inferior (Low Self-Image).
  • Confusion โ€œblows your mindโ€, most likely resulting in one of Confused (12), Delusion (Major), Indecisive (12) or Short Attention Span (12).
24 Major physical effect, set by GM: hair turns white, age five years overnight, go partially deaf, etc. In game terms, acquire [-15] worth of physical disadvantages (for this purpose, each year of age counts as -3 points).
25 If you already have a [-5] to [-10] disadvantage that could logically result from this encounter, it worsens to a [-15] trait!
26 Incapacitated as per 18, and acquire a new [-10] disadvantage as per 22.
27 Incapacitated as per 18, and acquire a new [-10] disadvantage as per 23.
28 Light coma. You fall unconscious, rolling vs. HT every 30 minutes to recover. For 6 hours after you come to, all skill rolls and attribute checks are at -2.
29 Coma. As per 28, but you are unconscious for 1d hours. Then roll vs. HT. If the roll fails, remain in a coma for another 1d hours, and so on.
30 Catatonia. Stare into space for 1d days. Then roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, remain catatonic for another 1d days, and so on. If you have no medical care, lose 1 HP the first day, 2 the second, and so on. If you survive and awaken, all skill rolls and attribute checks are at -2 for as many days as the catatonia lasted.
31 Seizure. You lose control of your body and fall to the ground in a fit lasting 1d minutes and costing 1d FP. Also, roll vs. HT. On a failure, take 1d of injury. On a critical failure, you also lose 1 HT permanently.
32 Stricken. You fall to the ground, taking 2d of injury in the form of a mild heart attack or stroke.
33 You lose control of your actions, as per specific effect below. The GM rolls 3d: the higher the roll, the more useless your reaction.
  • Fright sends you into total panic. For instance, you might jump off a cliff to avoid the monster.
  • Awe overcomes you. For instance, you might debase yourself harmfully to show your devotion.
  • Confusion drives you completely mad. For instance, you might believe you can fly and leap to your doom.
34, 35 As 22, but the disadvantage is worth [-15].
  • Fright: Acquire a new [-15] Delusion or Phobia.
  • Awe usually results in Fanaticism โ€“ either for the one who awed you or his cause.
  • Confusion tends to cause Confused (9), Delusion (Severe), Indecisive (9), On the Edge (12), or Short Attention Span (9).
36 Severe physical effect, as per 24, but equivalent to -20 points of physical disadvantages.
37 Severe physical effect, as per 24, but equivalent to -30 points of physical disadvantages.
38 Coma, as per 29, and a [-15] disadvantage, as per 34.
39 Coma, as per 29, and -20 points of physical disadvantages, as per 36.
40+ As 39, above, but victim also loses one point in an attribute, as below.
  • Fright: lose 1 point of IQ.
  • Awe: lose 1 point of Will.
  • Confusion: lose 1 point of IQ.

These losses are permanent.
