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"I have a feeling it might be a part of the Big Three. ... Androids, aliens, and wizards." -- Falcon

GURPS Supers is the title of both a Classic edition and 4th edition book.

GURPS Supers Cover


"GURPS Supers provides:

  • A history and analysis of the supers genre, its precursors and variations
  • A guide to character creation, including powers and other abilities, codes of conduct, dual identities, and personal relationships
  • More than 20 new wildcard skills
  • 22 templates for super characters, each customizable to higher or lower power levels
  • Rules for creating equipment, vehicles, bases, automata, and magical spells
  • A guide to creating and running supers adventures
  • Continuity creation guidelines and tools, so your supers universe can have the same depth as published worlds
  • New game mechanics for character creation, including new interpretations of advantages, disadvantages, and skills and newly defined perks, quirks, enhancements, limitations, and techniques
  • Guidelines for running superhuman feats and combats under existing rules or adjusting those rules to fit the genre, and new game mechanics specifically for superhuman action"


There were two versions of GURPS Classic Supers: 1989 and 1990. The 1990 version heavily revised the 1989 book and is regarded as "the" version of GURPS Classic Supers

PK in 2005

Can we all just agree that GURPS Supers was one of the worst books to ever sully the line? Bad, bad author-slash-managing-editor (yes, LB wore both hats at that time, and I shall miss him not.)

General Comment[]

The biggest problem with GURPS Classic Supers that it really didn't mesh with the whole "Universal" concept of GURPS very well. It certainly didn't help that the first edition of GURPS Classic Supers (1989) was quickly replaced with a second edition a year later that changed several things (including the abandonment of Magic Power at 40 points/level).


per there was a 1/5 cost that bypassed a -80% limit

Worlds of Supers[]

Additional Material[]



All classic adventures may need extensive use of GURPS Update to be compatible with 4e GURPS Supers


Classic Note[]

While a GURPS Classic: Supers book does exist it is advisable to use this work even for Classic campaigns as GURPS Classic: Supers introduced the most balance problems to GURPS Classic.
