Cost: [±10] for ±1 (see components)
Health (HT) attribute is a measure of energy and vitality representing stamina, resistance (to poison, disease, radiation, etc.), and basic “grit.”
These actual make sense if one considers HP underpriced. Based on these [±12 to ±14] for ±1 is more "fair"
- Fatigue Points: ±1 FP for [±3]; this is normally equal to the unmodified HT score
- Basic Speed: ±0.25 for [±5]
- HT-based skills: +1 for [1-2]
- HT rolls: +1 to HT rolls [3-4]
High HT[]
Since a Success Roll of 17 and 18 is always a failure and the existence of Fit/Very Fit, Hard to Kill, and various Immunities there is little reason to have a HT above 16.
Restoring Lost HT[]
B485 Breakdowns mentions that HT lost to Maintenance failure is recovered using Repair rules, each point being a Major Repair
This also applies when HT is lost instead of FP for Machines and Extra Effort aka Extra Effort costs HT
GURPS Ultra-Lite[]
GURPS Ultra-Lite uses "levels" to denote attributes. For HT they are:
- Sickly: 8
- Normal: 10
- Hardy: 14
- Very Hardy: 18
In Classic HT related secondary attribute was Hit Points
Some historically healthful individuals...
- 14: Alexander the Great (p24); Harald Hardradi (p44); Elizabeth I (p70)
- 14: Granuaile (Grace O’Malley) (p48); Captain James Cook (p72); Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (p74)
Split HT in 3e (Roleplayer)