It appears the license for this work has expired as the book is no longer available through Steve Jackson Games.
HBcover lg

Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (2002) is considered part of the Powered by GURPS line and had the Classic version of GURPS Lite in the book.

Ritual Aptitude (aka Magery (Path/Book) in 4e) was not necessary to do rituals in the Hellboy setting. However, it should be mentioned that the default version of the Ritual Magic System was mana independent while in 4e the default is that Ritual Magic is mana dependent with Ritual Aptitude becoming Fractional Magery[1]

This can be eliminated by the ±0% Enhancement/Limitation (Sanctity Replaces Mana).

  1. A special form of Magery (Path/Book) under the Limited Non-Mage Ceremonies rules in GURPS Thaumatology.