Insomniac is a mundane mental Disadvantage where you go through periods where falling asleep is very difficult.[1] During an episode, roll HT-1 per night. On a failure, you lose two hours of sleep that night. On a critical failure, you get no sleep that night. Whenever you suffer prolonged stress, the GM may require a HT+0 roll or an episode occurs.
- Mild: -10 points. 3d days between episodes.
- Severe: -15 points. 2d-1 days between episodes.
Some high-tech and ultra-tech drugs may be able to mitigate insomnia, to some degree. A casting of Peaceful Sleep can cure insomnia and prevent nightmares, but you'll need a wizard -- and it's very difficult to awaken someone early.
- Both William Headley and Louis d'Antares suffer from insomnia.