
Defaults: Will-5 or Acting-3

Intimidation (B202 Will/Average) is the skill of hostile persuasion. There are include bonus guidelines for "displays of strength" and gets a bonus from Size Modifier

IQ requirements[]

Zombies 117 under Turning the Tide note "Intimidation (and Other Skills)" mentions that Intimidation can only affect those with an IQ of 6 or higher.


Negative appearance gives a bonus (but requires having Sex Appeal penalties)

Positive appearance can only give a bonus if modified to be Impressive (as of Social Engineering, absent in Basic) which substitutes for Sex Appeal bonuses, but doesn't require taking penalties like low appearance does.

In all cases it can't apply to dissimilar species without the Universal enhancement (so a Tiger would need to take that to impress a human)


Influencing the PCs B359 has the idea of applying the Margin of Victory in a quick contest of social skills on the loser's skill rolls.

MA130 has Mind Games

Classic note[]

In Classic Intimidation defaulted to ST or Acting and was an IQ based skill.

See also[]

  • Pushy
  • Unattractive