This page contains one or more unofficial conversions of Classic material that can include fan expansion of canonical material (which should be noted in body text). |
Cost: 17 ([40]+[32]-[55]+[0]+[0]) points
The Irari are featherless, winged bipeds, with an average height of about 5 and half feet tall. Their heads are primarily composed of a long, sharp beak, above which sits a pair of double-slitted eyes. The back of the head sports a crest of small, bony bumps. Skin color ranges from bright red to russet brown. Clothing is unusual in Irari culture, but ultralight adornments, such as body paint, are quite fashionable. Due to their homeworld being very dry, Irari are generally most comfortable in warm, arid climates.
- Attributes and Secondary Characteristics [40]: IQ+2 [40]
- Advantages and Perks [32]: Extended Lifespan [2]; Flight (Wings -25%) [30];
- Optional Advantages [N/A]: None
- Disadvantages and Quirks [-55]: Compulsive Behavior (must pursue promising lines of research, 12) [-10]; Stubbornness [-5]; Vulnerability (Crushing damage, x2) [-30]; Impulsiveness [-10];
- Optional Disadvantages [N/A]: None
- Skills [0]: No Racial Skills
- Optional Skills [N/A]: None
- Innate Magic [0]: None
- Features: None
Irari Culture[]
Names and Language[]
Irari names tend to consist of three to six syllables with a sort of musical lilt, often ending with a vowel sound. Irari are both compact and highly descriptive, sometimes evolving into entire sentences if read literally.
- Classic: Aliens p. 30-35
- GURPS Aliens (GURPSLand conversion)