b106 note
- If you link two attacks into one and give them identical Malf., 1/2D, Max, Acc, RoF, Shots, and Recoil, you can treat them as a single attack with one attack roll but separate rolls for damage.
B381 Follow-Up Damage
- If the primary damage penetrates the target’s DR, the follow-up effect occurs inside the target.
- If the primary damage fails to penetrate DR, the follow-up effect occurs outside the target, if appropriate, as if the target had been touched – just like a linked effect
P103 discusses Asymmetric Links allowing a mix of 10/20 or 20/10 rather than 10/10 or 20/20 only.
Discretionary Links also clarifies options for when more than 2 advantages are linked.
5.2.6. How do you Link an attack onto a mundane weapon, or even multiple weapons?
You buy a Link, probably the +20% one. Then you add an Accessibility to reflect the weapon category size of applicable weapons. This is indeed cheaper than the Follow-Up case, because it doesn't overcome DR if the primary attack does. Please note that Linked attacks should still have the appropriate Range/Reach, Acc etc.
H65's romantic vampire links Leech (inherently melee-ranged) with an Affliction that isn't limited to Melee range.
See also[]
- Gaudivore example which shows a single will v will roll for an affliction and leech
- Uses one roll concept seen in Uses a single IQ roll instead of two, could be phrased uses 1 roll instead of 2