This list of Mind Control College spells is a reformatting of the list at the GURPS Repository with spells from other canonical sources and Enchantment information (including energy cost) added
†: Spell is VH.
Underlined material is from Classic
"M": does the spell require Magery to learn
PC: Prerequisite Count
Prerequisite Count Needed Prerequisite Count of some spells needs to be calculated
Spell M Prerequisites PC Enchantment
Item Notes Book, Page
Adjuration (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 13
Alertness† Y Magery 2 and Create Acid 2 300/point C, J [1] Magic p. 133; Classic: Magic p 69
Avoid N Hide, Fear, and Forgetfulness 4 100 x cost area [1] Magic p. 140
Berserker N Bravery 2 750/500 S, W/bearskin cloak [3, 4]/[1] worn Magic p. 134
Boost (Attribute) Intelligence N Wisdom V 300 S, W, J, C [3] Magic p. 37
Bravery N Fear 1 500 any/S, W [1, 2]/[3, 4] Magic p. 134
Charm Y Magery 1, Loyalty, and 7 other Mind Control spells 8 1,000/3000 any/S, W [1]/[3. 4] Magic p. 139
Coma† Y Magery 3, Lesser Geas, and Sleep Magic: Death Spells, p. 17
Command Y Magery 2 and Forgetfulness 2 500 J, S [3] Basic Set'', p. 251; Magic p. 136
Compel Lie N Emotion Control 4 600 torc, necklace [1] Magic p. 137
Confuse Memory† N Foolishness 1 Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 14
Daze N Foolishness 1 400/1,000 any/S, W [3, 4] Basic Set'', p. 250; Magic p. 134
Disbelieve (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 11
Discord Y Magery 2, Emotion Control, Vexation, and Secret Spell (Discord) Magic Styles: Dungeon Magic, p. 31
Disorient N Foolishness 1 200 S, W [3, 4] Magic p. 135
Drama (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 7
Dream Projection N Dream Sending 3 800 H [3, 4] Magic p. 46
Dream Sending N Dream Viewing or Sleep 3 400 S, W [3] Magic p. 45
Drunkenness N Foolishness and Clumsiness 4 200 per point/800 any/S [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 136
Dull (Sense) N None 0 50 per point/500 C, J/S, W [1?]/[3, 4] Magic p. 133
Dullness† N 2 Dull spells 2 200 per point C, J [1] Magic p. 134
Ecstasy† Y Magery 2 and Emotion Control 4 1,000/1,300 S, W/H [3, 4]/[1 (cursed)] Magic p. 139
Emotion Control N Loyalty or Mental Stun 3 300/1,000 (one emotion)

2,200 (any emotion)

any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 137
Encrypt N Daze 2 100 x cost/100 any/J, S, W perm/[3] Magic p. 135
Enslave† N Charm and Telepathy 14 NA NA NA Magic p. 141
Enthrall N Forgetfulness, Daze, and Slow 6 500 S, mask# [3] Magic p. 139
False Memory N Forgetfulness and 6 other Mind Control spells 7 500 any [1] Magic p. 139
Fascinate N Daze 2 1,000 Mi, other# [1] Magic p. 135
Fear N Sense Emotion or Empathy 0 200/300 any/S, W [3, 4] Magic p. 139; Fantasy, p. 171
Foolishness N IQ 12+ 0 100 per point/800 any/S [3, 4] Basic Set p. 250; Magic p. 134
Forgetfulness Y Magery 1 and Foolishness 1 500 any [1] Basic Set p. 250; Magic p. 135
Game Addict Charm 100 game# [1] Classic: Technomancer p. 25
Glib Tongue N Suggestion 6 650 J, S, W [3] Magic p. 141
Great Geas† Y Magery 3 and 15 Mind Control spells including Lesser Geas 15 4,000 any [1] Magic p. 141; Social Engineering: Back to School, p. 24
Great Hallucination† Y Magery 2 and Hallucination 8 2,500/900 any/S, W [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 141
Hallucination N Madness and Suggestion 7 1,000/1,200 any/S, W [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 140
Hypnotize (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 13
Keen (Sense) N None 0 150 per point C, J [3] Magic p. 133
Keyfinder (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 11
Know Thyself (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 11
Lesser Geas† Y Magery 2 and 10 Mind Control spells 10 2,000 any [1] Magic p. 140; Social Engineering: Back to School, p. 24
Literary Hunger Y Magery 1 0 Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 21
Loyalty N Bravery and 2 other Mind Control spells 3 500 or 1,000/2,000 any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 136
Lure N Emotion Control 4 100 x cost/500 per hex radius# area/any [1] Magic p. 137/Classic: Grimoire p 76
Madness N Forgetfulness or Drunkenness 2 500/1,000 any/S, W [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 136
Mass Charm Y Magery 2, IQ 13+, Charm, and Secret Spell (Mass Charm) 2 Magic Styles: Dungeon Magic, p. 31
Mass Daze N Daze and IQ 13+ 3 NA? NA? NA? Basic Set p. 251; Magic p. 137
Mass Hallucination Y Magery 2, IQ 13+, Hallucination, and Secret Spell (Mass Hallucination) 8 Magic Styles: Dungeon Magic, p. 32
Mass Mutilation† Y Magery 4 and at least 10 Mind Control spells including Madness and Mass Suggestion 10 Magic: Artillery Spells p. 20
Mass Sleep N Sleep and IQ 13+ 3 NA? NA? NA? Basic Set p. 251; Magic p. 137
Mass Suggestion N Suggestion 6 1,500 musical instrument [3] Magic p. 141
Memorize N Wisdom or 6 Knowledge spells 6 1,000/400/50 J, H/Any/Person [3]/[1]/perm Magic p. 105; Social Engineering: Back to School, p. 24
Mental Stun N Daze or Stun 2 500/1,100 any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 135
Mind-Killer† Y Magery 3, Sickness, and Strengthen Will Magic: Death Spells, p. 17
Mindlessness† Y Magery 2 and Forgetfulness 2 800 any [2] Magic p. 137
Nightmare Y Magery 2, Death Vision, Fear, and Sleep 5 800/500 W, S/any [3]/[1 worn 8 hrs] Magic p. 140
Oath Y Magery 1 and Emotion Control 4 550 J [1, 2] Magic p. 138
Pacify Y Magery 2, Persuasion, Relieve Madness, and Secret Spell (Pacify) Magic Styles: Dungeon Magic, p. 24
Panic N Fear 1 500 S, W [3T, 4] Magic p. 134
Patience (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 13
Peaceful Sleep N Sleep and Silence 5 900/800 W, S/any [3]/[2] Magic p. 138
Permanent Forgetfulness† Y Magery 2, Forgetfulness, and IQ 13+ 2 1,000 any [1] Magic p. 138
Permanent Madness† Y Magery 2, Madness, and IQ 13+ 3 NA? NA? NA? Magic p. 139
Rear Vision N Alertness 3 1,000 Wep, C, J [3] Magic p. 134
Recall Y Magery 2, Memorize, and History 9 700 H, J, W [3, 4] Magic p. 104
Relieve Madness N Lend Vitality and Wisdom 9 850 J, S, W [3] Magic p. 92
Sickness N Drunkenness or Pestilence 3 300/1,500 any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 138
Sleep N Daze 2 600/1,200 any/S [3, 4] Basic Set p. 251; Magic p. 135
Speed Reading N IQ 12+ or Gift of Letters 0 Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 22
Stabbing Party† Y Magery 4 and at least 10 Mind Control spells including Command and Mass Suggestion 10 Magic: Artillery Spells p. 20-21
Startle (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 13
Strengthen Will Y Magery 1 and 6 Mind Control spells 6 1,000 per point/1,500 any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 136
Suggestion N Emotion Control and Forgetfulness 5 400/500 any/W, S [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 140
Sweet Oblivion (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 11
Transfer Loyalty Bravery and two other Mind Controlspells, or any Limiting Enchantment 500 S, W [4] Classic: Magic Items 3 p 33
Terror N Fear 1 600 S, W [3T, 4] Magic p. 134
Vigil† Y Magery 2, Sleep, and Lend Energy 4 1,000 H, J [1 rumors , 4 or holy person] Magic p. 138
Volatility (A) N None 0 25 Magic: The Least of Spells p. 14
Weaken Will Y Magery 1 and Foolishness 1 100 per point/950 any/S, W [1]/[3, 4] Magic p. 136
Will Lock N Emotion Control 4 NA NA NA Magic p. 138
Wisdom N 6 other Mind Control spells 6 2,000 per point/2,000 any/S, W [1]/[3T, 4] Magic p. 135; Social Engineering: Back to School, p. 24
Writer's Block Y Magery 1 0 Pyramid 3/48: Secret Magic, p. 22

Item Class Table[]

Code Class of Item
A armor or clothing
Am Amulet (not to be confused with an Alchemy Amulet)
Ar Arrow
B Brush
C Clothing
CN Compass Needle
Cl cloak
Com Computer
Con Container
Cr Crypt or Coffin
Fig Figurine
G Glove (single)
Gs Gloves (pair)
H Helmet, Crown or other headgear,
J jewelry; e.g., an amulet or ring
Md Modem
Mi Mirror
MW Missile Weapon
Q Quiver
R Rug or Mat
S staff – any rod-shaped piece of organic material up to 6 feet long
Sh Shoes or other Footwear
Sl Shield
Sp Spectacles
T Timepiece
W wand
Wep weapon

General Enchantment Notes[]

  • [1] Always on. Works at all times without the addition of a Power spell
  • [2] Allows the user to cast the spell, but only on himself.
  • [3] Allows the user to cast the spell exactly as if he knew it himself.
  • [3T] Allows the user to cast the spell by touching the subject.
  • [4] Mage only. If any spell on the item has this restriction, it extends to all spells on the item.
  • [5] Cost of magical materials required.
  • # There are exceptions to the value given; see the original spell description

Special Notes[]
