Cost: [-50]
No Manipulators on B146 refers to B145 where it is a more extreme form of No Fine Manipulators (no limbs).
This is effectively No Limbs as "no limbs" appears in the explanation.
2017 re the No Arms idea
- I'd just charge -50 points, as for No Manipulators in GURPS, and call it a day. Yes, technically the character has two legs with which to push stuff around, but that's really no more useful than having to push stuff around with the body or head. It's worse than taking One Arm [-20] twice for what should be obvious reasons: the total loss of an important capacity.
Having legs IS useful though, and it is more useful than only having a body or head. If Kromm wants to make "Missing Arm 2" cost more than twice "Missing Arm 1", it could be assigned anywhere between -41 and -49 without making it as bad as being legless as NM implies.
See also[]
- No Arms
- No Hands
- No Legs
- No Feet
- Restricted Manipulators