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Penangglan from Vampdia
Variations: Pananggaln, Panangglan, Penangal, Penanggalan, Pennanggalan, Penangglan[1], Pontianak.
Other variants include Kephn (Berma) and Aswang Mannananggal/Anananngel (Philippines).
Known as SCP-1060 by the SCP Foundation.[2]
Cost: 127 ([50]+[255]-[190]+[0]+[12]) points
A female mortal (i.e. not undead) vampire of Malaysian folklore.
- Attributes and Secondary Characteristics [50]: HT+5 [50]
- Advantages and Perks [255]: Vampiric Bite [30], Flight [40], Alternate Form (Monstrous) [15], Silence +4 [20], Supernatural Durability [150]
- Optional Advantages [N/A]: None
- Disadvantages and Quirks [-190]: Appearance (Horrifying) [-30]; Bad Smell [-10]; Dependency (Blood, daily [-30]; Dependency (Vinegar, daily) [-15]; Dread (Garlic) [-10]; Frightens Animals [-10]; Uncontrollable Appetite (Blood) (12) [-15]; Vulnerability (Wood) [-10]; Weakness (Sunlight, 1d per minute) [-60]
- Optional Disadvantages [N/A]: Infectious Attack, Unhealing
- Skills [0]: No Racial Skills
- Optional Skills [N/A]: None
- Innate Magic [12]: Magery 1 (Racial Spells Only) [9]; Fog-10 [1], Pestilence-10 [1], Sleep-10 [1]
- Features: None
Special note: While the Penanggalen can be a wizard it is not an innate part of the creature itself unless it is part of a pact. The Pact version replaces Magery 1 (Racial Spells Only -40%) [9] with Magery 1 (Pact -10%, No Spell Prerequisites -30%) [9] with no change in the base point total.
The creation of a Penangglan varies. While it generally is caused by a woman making a dark pack for power and/or beauty it can also be the result of a woman dying in childbirth or being surprised by a man while performing religious penance.
In any case, during the day the vampire appears to be a normal human. However once the sun sets a horrific transformation occurs. The head detaches from the body pulling its soft tissue organs with it. The head then searches out victims usually children or women in labor and failing that men. After it feeds it must soak its organs in a keg of vinegar so that they will fit back inside its body.
The destruction of a Penangglan varies depending on location. In some areas it cannot be destroyed, in other it can be hacked to death, and in still others having sunlight hit the head while it is separate from the body will destroy it.
A male version of the Penanggalen from Burma. Can also appear as a dog-headed water demon.