
Perfect Defense covers a series of imbuements for various defensive enhancements. These work like the imbuements Power-Ups 1: Imbuements.



Imbuement Ability Lvl Description
Blunting Armor vs Cutting 3
Expand Armor stretches armor 1
  • -1 each for extremities, skull, eyes, face, neck, vitals
  • -2 each for arms, legs
  • -2 for full head protection (replaces head, face and eye penalty above)
  • -4 for torso
  • -1 if original armor is just arms (or just legs, like pants)
  • -2 if only a helmet
  • -4 if only one hit location, such as one hand (a single glove) or eyes (armored shades)
  • Optionally, you can take -3 to remove chinks in armor, which can be useful if you're already armored-up!
Fireproof Armor vs Burn (from fire) 3
Healthful Armor vs Toxic 3 Gives 1/4 DR vs attacks that bypass normal DR!
Impenetrable Armor vs Impaling 3
Insulated Armor vs Burn (electrical) 3
Lighten Armor reduces weight 1 Reduces weight by 20%. **Also a General Imbuement**
Nullifying Armor vs Attack Class 3 One of Magic, Spirit, Psionic, etc.
Padded Armor vs Crushing 3 .
Reinforce Armor nullifies armor divisor 2 .
Resilient Armor turns ablative armor semi-ablative 2 .
Restorative Armor vs Fatigue 3 Gives 1/4 DR vs attacks that bypass normal DR!
Rigid Armor rigidity (see desc) 1 Removes Flexible for the purposes of blunt force trauma
Sovereign Armor vs corrosion (acid) 3 .

General (Armor and Shield)[]

Imbuement Ability Lvl Description
Blinding Defense Dazzles attackers 2 Defense activates a brilliant light, adding Obscure vs Vision. Against a melee attack, 2 yard radius. Against a ranged attack, it affects a two-yard radius around the foe!
Energizing Defense Convert damage to HP or FP 3
Lighten Armor Lowers weight 1 Works on shields!
Spiritual Defense Affects Insubstantial 1
Subtle Defense Glamours armor and shield to disappear. 1
Thunderous Defense Deafens attackers. Treat as Obscure vs Hearing 1
Vengeful Defense adds Reflection to DR 3
  • Blinding Defense
  • Energizing Defense
  • Spiritual Defense
  • Subtle Defense
  • Thunderous Defense
  • Vengeful Defense


  • Dancing Shield
  • Widen Shield


  • Thunderous Defense (p.14) lists its skill type as "defense" but its description implies that it is a General skill.

