GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements (2012)
Enhancements are improvements to advantages, more rarely to basic attributes and secondary characteristics, and in some cases individual skills.
They add a bonus to the cost of the advantage that is enhanced. Their counterpart are Limitations. A special version is Reciprocal Enhancement.
List of Enhancements[]
Not all Enhancements are listed. Some are connected to only to a single advantage (such as Magery). Those are listed via Category:Special Modifiers. Some modifiers that appeared after this piece have been included in the lists.
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Accurate | +5% per level | B102 |
Affects Insubstantial | +20% | B102 |
Affects Insubstantial (Selective) | +30% | Power-ups 4 p. 12 |
Affects Others | +50% per person | Power-ups 4 p. 12 |
Affects Substantial | +40% | B102 |
Affects Substantial (Selective) | +50% | Power-ups 4 p. 12 |
Ammunition Options | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
AP Ammo | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Area Effect | +50% per level | B102 |
Armor Divisor | +50% per level | B102 |
Aura | +80% | B102 |
B and C[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Based on (Different Attribute) | +20% | B102 |
Based on (Different Attribute), Own Roll | +20% | Power-ups 4 p. 12 |
Beam Weapon | +40% | "Metatronic Generators" Pyramid 3/46: Weird Science |
Blood Agent | +100% | B102 |
Can Carry Objects | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 13 |
Cone | +50%,+ 10% per yard | B103 |
Contact Agent | +150% | B103 |
Cosmic, Avoiding drawbacks | +50% | B103 and 7 |
Cosmic, Defensive | +50% | B103 and 7 |
Cosmic, Irresistible attack | +300% | B103 and 8 |
Cosmic, Lingering effect | +100% | B103 and 8 |
Cosmic, No active defense allowed | +300% | Power-ups 4 p. 8 |
Cosmic, No die roll required | +100% | Power-ups 4 p. 8 |
Cosmic, No Rule of 16 | +50% | Power-ups 4 p. 7 |
Cosmic, Privileged attack | +50% | Power-ups 4 p. 7 |
Cosmic, Unhealing damage | +100% | Power-ups 4 p. 8 |
Cosmic, Unrestricted powers | +300% | Power-ups 4 p. 8 |
Conventional Firearm | +25% | "Metatronic Generators" Pyramid 3/46: Weird Science |
Cyclic | Variable | B103 |
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Dehydration | +20% | B104 |
Delay, Fixed | +0% | B105 |
Delay, Supernatural | +50% or +100% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Delay, Triggered | +50% | B105 |
Delay, Variable | +10% or +20% | B105 |
Decreased Immunity | +50% per level or +20% | Power-ups 4 p. 13 |
Destructive Parry | +10% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Double Blunt Trauma | 20% | B104 |
Double Knockback | +20% | B104 |
Drifting | +20% | B105 |
Drowning | +0% | B104 |
Dual | +10% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
E and F[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Erosive | +10% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Explosion | +50% per level | B104 |
Extended Duration | Variable | B105 and Power-ups 4 p. 13 |
Extra Passes | +10% per pass | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Fixed Duration | +0% | Power-ups 4 p. 14 |
Follow-Up | Variable | B105 |
Follow-Up, Universal | +50% | Power-ups 4 p. 14 |
Force Field | 20% | Power-ups 4 p. 14 |
Fragmentation, Cutting | +15% per die | B104 and Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Fragmentation, Hot | +15% per die | B104 and Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Fragmentation, Impaling | +20% per die | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Fragmentation, Large Piercing | +15% per die | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Freezing | +20% | B104 |
G, H, I, and J[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Game Time | +0 | Power-ups 4 p. 14 |
Grenade | +25% or +50% | "Metatronic Generators" Pyramid 3/46: Weird Science |
Guided | +50% | B105 |
Hazard | Variable | B104 |
Heat | +20% | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Homing | Variable | B105 |
HP Ammo | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Incendiary (on most attacks) | +10% | B105 |
Incendiary (on Burning Attack) | +10% per level | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Increased Range | +10% per level | B106 |
Increased Range, LOS | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 15 |
Independent | +40% or +70% | Power-ups 4 p. 15 |
Jet | +0% | B106 |
L and M[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Link | +10% or +20% | B106 |
Long-Range | +50% per level | Power-ups 4 p. 15 |
Low Psychic Signature | +5% per -2 | Power-ups 4 p. 15 |
Low Signature | +10% | B106 |
Low Signature, Variable | +5% per -2 | Power-ups 4 p. 15 |
Malediction | Variable | B106 |
Melee-Capable | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Mental Defense Only | +250% | Power-ups 4 p. 19 |
Missed Sleep | +50% | B104 |
Mobile | +40% per level | B107 |
Multi-Ammo | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
N, O, P, and R[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
No Signature | +20% | B106 |
Once On, Stays On | +50% | Power-ups 4 p. 16 |
Overhead | +30% | B107 |
Persistent | +40% | B107 |
Radiation | +25% or +100% | B105 |
Ranged | +40% | B107 |
Rapid Fire | Variable | B108 |
Reduced Fatigue Cost | +20% per level | B108 |
Reduced Time | +20% per level | B108 |
Reflexive | +40% | Power-ups 4 p. 16 |
Reliable | +5% per +1 | Power-ups 4 p. 16 |
Respiratory Agent | +50% | B108 |
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Selective Area | +20% | B108 |
Selective Effect | +20% | Power-ups 4 p. 16 |
Selectivity | +10% | B108 |
Sense-Based | Variable | B109 |
Side Effect | Variable | B109 |
ST-Based | +100% or +30% | Power-ups 4 p. 20 |
Starvation | +40% | B104 |
Suffocation | +0% | B104 |
Super Attribute | +25% | Power-ups 4 p. 17 |
Surge | +20% | B105 |
Surge, Arcing | +100% | Power-ups 4 p. 21 |
Surprise Attack | +150% | Power-ups 4 p. 21 |
Switchable | +10% | Power-ups 4 p. 17 |
Symptoms | Variable | B109 |
T, U, V, W[]
Enhancement | Cost | Reference |
Thrusting Blade | +15% | Power-ups 4 p. 21 |
Time-Spanning | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 17 |
Underwater | +20% | B109 |
Usually On | +5% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
Variable | +5% | B109 |
Variable Enhancement | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 5 |
Very Rapid Fire | Variable | Power-ups 4 p. 21 |
Wall | +30% or +60% | B109 |
World-Spanning | +50% or +100% | Power-ups 4 p. 18 |
See Also[]
- Basic Set 300-301; GURPS Power-Ups 4 22-24