
GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations provides additional limitations.

Mitigator revelations[]

B112's guidelines for designing mitigators for disadvantages were always vague, with most limitations being designed for advantages and not being balanced for applying them as-written to disadvantages. This book helps fix that on page 6's Limitations on Disadvantages.

This centers on a new approach of NOT applying mitigators, but rather buying "an advantage that counters the disadvantage" (ie a Counter Disadvantage for short) and applying limitations intended for advantages to that.

This also makes rounding easier to understand.

The example No Deafness rides on the shoulders of giants: prior to PU8 Not Mute was used in GURPS Fantasy, albeit in a confusing way:

  • it was permanently cancelling out a limited version of mute which was built into a metatrait, not providing a temporary situation for cancelling it out
  • using PU8's approach, Mute would never be designed limited with mitigators to begin with, you would take Mute at full price with Not Mute limited to Insubstantials Only, rather than applying Substantials Only to the disadvantage.

P145 note[]

To be strictly correct when buying these abilities as part of a power, apply the power modifier separately to each subtrait. If the GM finds this too complex, though, heโ€™s free to treat these meta-traits as new advantages and let players apply power modifiers to the overall cost per level. In most cases, the error involved is small.


Limitations are restrictions to advantages, basic attributes and secondary characteristics, and individual skills which result in a lower point cost.

With the exception of Mitigators limitations should not be applied to disadvantages as it encourages abuse as explained under Counter Disadvantages

Unlike their counterpart Enhancements, there is a limit on the total percentage of the limitations that can be applied to one thing: -80%.[1]


previously at How do you apply enhancements and limitations to a leveled trait?

You must always compute the total point value of your trait (by multiplying the cost per level by the number of levels you want to buy) before applying the enhancements and limitations cost modifications.
For example, say wizard A wants to buy 5 Extra Fatigues (at 3 points per level), with the limitation Spellcasting Only (a -10% limitation). The total price is 3 points/level * 5 levels = 15 points, โ€“ 1.5 for the limitation = 13.5 points rounded up to 14 points.

This was overruled in GURPS Powers and reiterated here, see Partially Limited Abilities and Partially Limited Magery

Presumably this is a concept of a broader overall Partially Modified Abilities which would include Partially Enhanced Abilities.

For example, if you had "Crushing Attack 2d" [10] and took Affects Insubstantial on only one level, it could act like merely Crushing Attack 1d against insubstantial enemies. NO PROBLEM

List of Limitations[]

Not all Limitations are listed. Some are connected to only o single advantage (such as Magery). Those advantages are listed via Category:Special Modifiers.


Limitation Cost Reference
Accessibility Variable B110 and Power-ups 8 p. 4-5
Active Defense -40% Power-ups 8 p. 10
Active Defense, Independent -20% Power-ups 8 p. 10
Aftermath Variable Power-ups 8 p. 11
All-Out -25% Power-ups 8 p. 11
All-Out Concentrate -25% Power-ups 8 p. 11
Always On Variable B110
Armor Divisor Variable B110
Aspected -20% Power-ups 8 p. 11
Attracts Threats -5% or -10% Power-ups 8 p. 11

B and C[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Backlash Variable Power-ups 8 p. 11
Biological -10% GURPS Powers 26
Blockable -5% or -10% Power-ups 8 p. 12
Blood Agent -40% B110
Blood Agent, Reversed -40% Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Bombardment Variable B111
Breakable* Variable B117
Can Be Parried -5% Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Can Be Stolen* Variable B117
Cardiac Stress Variable Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Cerebral Stress Variable Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Chi -10% GURPS Powers 26
Contact Agent -30% B111
Corrupting -20% Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Costs Fatigue Variable B111
Costs Fatigue, Variable Variable Power-Ups 8 pg. 12
Costs Hit Points Variable Power-Ups 8 pg. 12

* A gadget limitation (pp. B116-117).

D, E, and F[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Dissipation -50% B112
Divine -10% GURPS Powers 26
Easily Resisted -5%/level Power-ups 8 p. 13
Elemental -10% GURPS Powers 27
Emanation -20% B112
Emergencies Only -30% B112
Environmental Variable Power-ups 8 p. 13
Extra Recoil -10% per +1 Rcl B112
Fickle -20% Power-ups 8 p. 1313
Full Power in Emergencies Only -20% B112

G, H, I[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Glamour Variable Power-ups 8 p. 13-14
Granted by (Other) -40% Power-ups 8 p. 14
Hard to Use -5% per -3 Power-ups 8 p. 4
Immediate Preparation Required Variable Power-ups 8 p. 14
Increased Immunity -10%/level Power-ups 8 p. 4-15
Informal -50% Power-ups 8 p. 15
Inaccurate -5%/level B112
Insubstantial Only -30% Power-ups 8 p. 15

L and M[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Limited Use Variable B112
Magical -10% GURPS Powers 27
Magnetic -50% Power-ups 8 p. 15, 18
Mana-Sensitive -10% B34
Maximum Duration Variable Power-ups 8 p. 15
Melee Attack Variable B112
Minimum Duration Variable Power-ups 8 p. 15
Minimum Range -5% or -10% Power-ups 8 p. 16
Missing Damage Effect -20% or -10% Power-ups 8 p. 16
Mitigator Variable B112 and Power-ups 8 p. 6
Moral -20% GURPS Powers 27

N and O[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Nature -20% GURPS Powers 28
No Blunt Trauma -20% B111
No DR Reduction -20% Power-ups 8 p. 16
No Incendiary Effect -10% Power-ups 8 p. 16
No Knockback -10% B111
No Wounding -50% B111
Nuisance Effect Variable B112
Only When Berserk -20% Power-ups 8 p. 16
Onset Variable B113

P and R[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Pact Variable B113
Periodic Recharge Variable Power-ups 8 p. 16
Power Modifier Special Power-ups 8 p. 16
Preparation Required Variable B114
Psionic -10% GURPS Powers 28
Reduced Duration Variable Power-ups 8 p. 16
Reduced Range -10%/level B115
Required Disadvantage Variable Power-ups 8 p. 16
Requires (Attribute) Roll Variable Power-ups 8 p. 17
Requires Concentrate -15% Power-ups 8 p. 17
Requires Low Gravity Variable Power-ups 8 p. 17
Requires Reaction Roll -5% Power-ups 8 p. 13
Requires Ready -10% Power-ups 8 p. 17
Requires (Skill) Roll Special Power-ups 8 p. 17
Resistible Variable B115

S and T[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Sense-Based Variable B115
Sense-Based (Reversed) Variable Power-ups 8 p. 17
Short-Range -10%/level Power-ups 8 p. 17-18
Skill Enhancement Only -60% Power-ups 8 p. 18
Specific Variable Power-ups 8 p. 18
Spirit -25% GURPS Powers 27
Substantial Only -10% Power-ups 8 p. 18
Super -10% GURPS Powers 29
Takes Extra Time -10%/level B115
Takes Recharge Variable B115
Temporary Disadvantage Variable B115
Temporary Disadvantage, Shutdown Variable Power-ups 8 p. 18
Terminal Condition Variable Power-ups 8 p. 18
Trigger Variable B115
Trigger, Extended Variable Power-ups 8 p. 18

U, V, and W[]

Limitation Cost Reference
Unconscious Only -20% B115
Uncontrollable -10% or -30% B116
Uncontrollable Trigger Variable Power-ups 8 p. 19
Unique* -25% B117
Unreliable Variable B116
Unsupported -25% 19
Untrainable -40% B116
Usually On Variable Power-ups 8 p. 19
Visible -10% or -20% Power-ups 8 p. 19
Weakened Without Preparation Variable B114
Weaponized Variable Power-ups 8 p. 19

*A gadget limitation (pp. B116-117).

See Also[]


  1. โ†‘ Basic Set 110-116