There are so many programs and sites that either have large amounts of information or tools that can make things easier that they have been broken up into other pages (niche programs/sites are on the related book's page):
Various pages[]
- Gaming Aids
- GURPS Videos
- Authors' GURPS sites
- Adaptations and Conversions of already existing material
- Fan Campaigns: generally blogs of Campaigns using GURPS
- GURPS Netbooks: Some of the Netbooks are full blown original worlds
- Fansites: collection of non-canonical fansites related to GURPS. Effectively the catch all catagory.
Special pages[]
- General RPG Information: non GURPS material that is useful or can be mined for idea.
- Solo Adventures: options for solo play both canonical and fan works.
Offsite Material[]
- Characters for GURPS Third Edition (Last updated Sept 27, 2011): "Within these pages, there are characters ranging from mages to accountants to high-tech idle rich, of many different point values, ready to be used as NPCs, local color, or even Player Characters. (Some of them were player chara cters before they got here.)". Early version included as some links may be broken
- Unofficial GURPS Pages SJG's own modest collection of sites. Some don't work anymore and all but one use "http:" rather then "https:" which can result in "access denied" messages as the site is not "secure". The link to this for example uses "" which was being deprecated in 2014 and totally phased out in 2019 and is only accessed if the DNS of the provider has the proper redirect (some don't).
- GURPS Supernatural Wiki
- (Internet Archive) replaced by sometime before 2008. - Lots of Classic material
- file archive (Internet Archive) - Lots of Classic material
- GURPS Items of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Goblin Crafted) - A collection of articles providing conversions for more than twenty iconic super-powered items from the MCU.