This is regarding an unofficial conversion of D&D material to GURPS.

This covers the rough GURPS equivalent to D&D books.

Player Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide[]

In D&D terms Characters is roughly the Player's handbook while Campaigns is roughly the Dungeon Masters Guide. It is roughly because they are all part of the same rule set but it was easier to have them as two books with the first part more Player focused while the second part is more GM focused.

Monster Manual[]

Offical 4e material[]

Fanmade 4e material[]

It's not offical but it is free

Classic Material[]

Due to changes between Classic and 4e GURPS some conversion is needed because using creatures as is causes problems with 4e rules.

  • ST: Damage - use value given or that based on ; (Quick Classic to 4e ST table)
    Use Lifting ST for Classic ST<10 and Striking ST for Classic ST>10 as needed;
    For really large creatures use ST = . (Quick Weight to 4e ST table) It is recommended that either of these methods be used for any animal over Classic ST 20.
  • HT: For HT by itself HP is equal to HT. For HT x/y the "y" is HP.
    Sometimes this can result in HP being too low for some large animals and HP will need to be changed. The quickest way is to use the converted ST not Classic ST to figure 4e HP as this will result in damage sponge nightmares.
  • Will: 10-12 range
  • Per: 10-14 range
  • Dodge: Ignore PD and add 3 to score
    • Example: A Classic creature has ST 80-100 and HT 14-16. Per GURPS Update ST becomes 36-40 with HP being 14-16. If this makes the creature too easily killed use 36-40 for HP not the 80-100 range for 4e HP. If the creature had had HT 14-16/40-60 then HP would be 40-60.

Additional D&D Book Equivalents[]

Useful D&D Books[]

  • Dungeon Masters Guide 2
  • Heroes of Battle
  • Stronghold Builder's Guidebook
  • World Builder's Guidebook (AD&D2)


  1. โ†‘ GURPS Basic Set (4th Edition), GURPS Powers: Enhanced Senses and Template Toolkit 2: Races are absolutely essential for understanding the rules in this book. GURPS Bio-Tech, GURPS Furries, GURPS Martial Arts, GURPS Powers, GURPS Powers: Totems and Nature Spirits, and Power-Ups 2: Perks are also needed for a few creatures.


  • [ What D&D books are useful for GURPS games?]