A subcategory of the No Legs disadvantage.
Cost: -50 points
In Nature[]
Most mundane plants and fungus could be considered to have the Sessile trait, as they're legless and firmly planted in the ground. Sessile animals are most common on coasts, such as oysters, barnacles (for most of their lifespan), and anemones.
In biology, creatures that can move around are motile.
Out of Nature[]
Walking plants, wood elementals, and other such strangeness have legs, sometimes plenty, although the ability to anchor themselves to the ground may count as a usefultemporary disadvantage,
Sapient buildings, such as Dr. Raymond Garcia, count as sessile[1]--although they're likely to explore the world through camera feeds, the Internet, or even teleoperating androids.
2006 http://forums.sjgames.com/showpost.php?p=322574&postcount=8
Only use TD, Sessile if turning on the ability means you can't move -- you're rooted in place. If you can move, but might not want to because then your ability would switch off, you're far, far, FAR less limited. The first case is worth -50% because using your ability makes you immobile and close to helpless in many ways. The second case might be a -20% Accessibility limitation, as it's only marginally more limiting than "Requires Concentrate, -15%."