Cost: -5 to -20 points
Social Stigma is a social disadvantage where you are a member of a class, race, sex, or other group that your society holds in low regard.
Social Stigma results in a Reaction penalty of -1 per -5 points, restricts your social mobility, or both
Note that this is not the same as Reputation as your treatment is based on what you are not who you are.
- Criminal Record: -5; being wanted is another -5 points
- Disowned: -5 or -10
- Excommunicated: -5; -10 if there is also supernatural consequences
- Ignorant (haven't learn an expected skill): -5/skill
- Minor: -5
- Minority Group: -10
- Monster: -15
- Second-Class Citizen: -5
- Uneducated: -5
- Valuable Property: -10