
61 says you can't put a generic Counterspell on it, only specific.

Kromm in 2008 post talks about it being used in Dungeon Fantasy.

note that it doesn't cost 250, that is for Wish

Rapid energy storage[]

Note that this could create a "Spell Stone of Lend Energy" to give 5 FP for 100 energy to create. This could be made in a single hour where you could only make one Manastone for 5 FP, one-college powerstone for 12, or powerstone for 20.

Unfortunately it does not have the options to be made from non-expensive materials like those two. If floating that it would be x4 energy cost.

Also LE can only restore energy, it can't provide supplemental energy for high-cost spells like the stones.

Interpreting as meta-enchantment[]

We could assume that part of the x20 multiplier is a x5 multiplier for making an object into a manastone. That could be why it requires value.

This is basically a one-time casting of a spell. The remaining x15 multiplier divided by 0.15 gives a x100 multiplier if it would be reusable.

x100 seems to resemble what is in a lot of other enchantment guidelines.

"must destroy to activate" is the big hurdle though.

Activating manastones drains them but doesn't destroy the object. You can actually refill them as manastones again later.


See also[]
