Tally (aka power tally) is a concept connected to Threshold Magery and Unlimited Mana.
It starts at 0 and spell costs are added to it instead of subtracting from FP.
Tally beyond Threshold is called excess tally
It is impossible to spend more than 2xFP, and Burning HP to a high enough number to kill a wizard prevents a spell from working, but there is no rule like this to limit how much energy can be spent.
When a mage casts a spell, he should record the cost in a running tally, instead of taking the cost from his FP score. All normal rules for costs (skill reduction, etc) remain in force.'
Optional Rules[]
- Auras: A high tally is visible to those who can see the aura of mages
- Automatic Maintenance: Spells that can be maintained do do automatically unless the wizard consciously denies the increase and ends it. Spells at an an energy of 0 will continue indefinitely and cost +1 Tally to turn off.
- Limited Tally Increase: how much tally can be added in a single spellcasting. This "absolute upper limit" is suggested as being a multiple of Threshold.
- Pyramid Classic #09 (Sept 1994)
- "Unlimited Mana - An alternative approach to GURPS Magic" (1994, 1999) by S. John Ross
- GURPS Thaumatology 76-80