
Techniques are a way improve a specific application of a skill without increasing the overall skill level.

Buying and Improving Techniques[]

"You buy up a technique relative to its default, not relative to a controlling attribute, and you determine its point cost using the Technique Cost Table (below) instead of the Skill Cost Table."

Technique Cost Table[]

Most techniques have maximum levels. For instance, a technique that “cannot exceed prerequisite skill level” and that defaults to skill-5 tops out at default+5. Some, like Acrobatic Stand have more then five levels while some, like Aggressive Parry only have one.

Your Final Skill Level Default Default+1 Default+2 Default+3 Default+4 +1
Average cost [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [+1]
Hard cost [0] [2] [3] [4] [5] [+1]

Making and Using New Techniques[]

A fighter wants to be able to better disarm opponents with his shortsword. While the List of Techniques doesn't have something that exactly fits that the Hit Location to the hand is -4 and the closest techniques are Targeted Attack which are all Hard.

Talking with the GM they figure the new technique works similar to Targeted Attack, Grapple with a max at the skill the player has in the weapon skill being used. So the most the player can spend on his Technique (Disarm Weapon Hand) is 4 points which means he can now disarm opponents with the same base skill as to hit them with his weapon.

See Also[]

