
The Pele timelines are a series of timelines having to do with advanced, worldwide spread of Pacific islander culture. In particular, the main three (Pele 1, 2 and 3) are actually echoes of each other. Furthermore, each timeline has remnants of an unknown alien civilization, tucked away in the most remote parts of the world...

Timeline P Description
Pele-1a Circa 1550 A strange parallel to another timeline. Scout reports refer to it as "feeling like an earlier draft of Pele-1".
Pele-1[1] Circa 1550 A world born in fire and ruled by water, Polynesian sailing technology dominates the sea. The Chinese boy-emperor Bing (along with his courtiers) integrates into Hawaii and establishes the start of a Pacific empire.
Pele-2[2] Circa 1750 Advanced compared to Homeline of the same year. The mysterious precursor sites are discovered, further fueling a worldwide exploration into the darkest corners of the globe.
Pele-3[3] Circa 2000 .Secrets of the ruins have extensively effected cultures, pushing tech level into TL9. Humans begin a rush to space, establishing bases on Lagrange points, Luna, Mars and Venus--and discover even more, even larger precursor sites...
Pele-4[3] Circa 200,000 BCE The volcanic Hawaiian islands are just beginning to cool down, and the outtime Patrol is anxiously watching the skies for the Pele precursors.


The Pele timelines get their name from Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, fire, and the creator god behind the Hawaiian islands themselves.


  1. โ†‘ Covered mainly in #16: Historical Exploration
  2. โ†‘ Covered mainly in #17: Modern Exploration
  3. โ†‘ 3.0 3.1 Covered mainly in #18: Space Exploration