
...Good horror is quiet and frail. It doesn't kill you. In fact, you kill it. Just because it disgusts you.

Here's the thing about good horror. Here's the trick.

It never dies.

-- ShenComix

Unkillable is an exotic physical advantage with three levels. It gives the bearer the ability to survive ridiculous amounts of damage.

Levels of Unkillable[]

  • Unkillable 1: [50]; never make a HT roll to stay alive but are dead at -10xHP
  • Unkillable 2: [100]; turn into a indestructible skeleton regenerating HP "normally" becoming conscious at HP 1. This subtype seems to be useful for Supers--or, perhaps, kaiju...
  • Unkillable 3: [150]; become a ghost, an energy pattern, or some other incorporeal form that cannot be contained or damaged through normal means at -10xHP. At full HP your body reforms...where the GM chooses.

Special Limitations[]

"You cannot kill me in a way that matters." -- a common mushroom

  • Achillesโ€™ Heel (-10% โ€œRareโ€; -30% โ€œOccasionalโ€; -50% โ€œCommonโ€/โ€œVery Commonโ€)
  • Hindrance (-5% โ€œRareโ€; -15% โ€œOccasionalโ€; -25% โ€œCommonโ€)
  • Reincarnation (-25%): Limited to Unkillable 2 or 3
  • Trigger (-25% โ€œRare,โ€ -15% โ€œOccasionalโ€ -5% โ€œCommonโ€/โ€œVery Common.โ€): Limited to Unkillable 2 or 3

Other Modifiers[]

PK published the 'Mortal' modifier for UK2/UK3: removing the 10xHP negative survival benefit.

GURPS Fantasy 53 has "Only in Unkillable Spirit Form" as a limitation on Possession for the Wendigo.



โ€œUnkillable Onlyโ€ does heal HP, but only after you die โ€“ and it stops working at positive HP (Unkillable 2) or full HP (Unkillable 3).


A target reduced -10xHP by corrosion damage is gone: dissolved, disintegrated, or vaporized. Resurrection is impossible.


Each point of success grants a minute of Unkillable 1 and Regeneration (Very Fast), both with Cosmic, Works on the dead (+50%).
If he heals to above -HP, he returns to life.
To keep this ability balanced, โ€œCosmic, Works on the deadโ€ means it only works on the dead โ€“ not injured living people โ€“ and gives one try, ever. If the subject fails his HT roll or regains too few HP to revive, heโ€™s dead for good.




Canonically, you should use the prices in Limited Defenses (p. B46). However, as Unkillable influences the outcome of accumulated wounds, and thus could be worked around easily ("Crushing damage can't kill him, so just kick him a lot and then poke him with this pin."), it really ought to be more severe. I'd kick in an extra -20% and have the -80% level become a perk โ€“ Unkillable (Dragon's Fire) [1] sounds really cheap until you realize that you can still be taken out of the fight by dragon's fire and merely get a free pass on dying from it until the dragon gets around to stepping on your unconscious body.


There are no words to strike to let it die. No name of god on hidden scrip. This was the god they prayed to. One of the first. The sculptors didnโ€™t know enough to make a way for it to die. -- "Cromagnogolem", Veins of the Earth

There are but a handful of things that cannot truly die by combat. Many have a weakness. Hidden Lore or other knowledge skills should help you. Even great Cthulhu took eons to wake, and was sent back to sleep with the bow of a ship. In fact, some unkillable entities are safer if banished, sealed or contained, rather than "destroyed". There are countless tales of myth and fantasy about binding evil (from Fenrir to Ganon) being easier than destroying it "for good".

See Also[]


Basic Set, p.95
