This is a quick reference guide to pages containing the Wizardry Tools listed various GURPS books. For details see the relevant GURPS book.

Wizardry Tools[]

This covers the many tools that wizards use.

Item Component Spells Asking Price Book Page
Artificial Archmage Perfect Illusion, Illusion Shell, Illusion Disguise, unknown $1,000,000 MI1 60
Athame None; ritual magic focus $20,000 MI3 105
Clip-Illusion Minidisks Secret โ€œStore Illusionโ€ spell $100 per point of the diskโ€™s skill MI3 107
Crystal Map Tell Time, Find Direction, Pentagram, Shatterproof $400,000 MI1 60
The Cube of Power Create Earth, Create Fuel/TL7 (Necronium), variant Draw Power/TL, Force Wall, several Links, Measurement, Preserve Fuel/TL7, and Purify Fuel/TL7 $400,000 MI3 106-105
Divinerโ€™s Tiles Divination (unknown variant) $500,000 MI1 60-61
Diviner Coins Divination (unknown variant) $7,500 MI1 61
Elemental Generator Create Elemental (variant) $100,000 MI1 61
Enchanterโ€™s Scabbard Unknown $3,000,000 MI1 61
Enchanterโ€™s Second Simulacrum Near Priceless MI3 106-107
Grand Ascentor Unknown $2,500,000 MI1 61
Greater Runestones Lend Skill and unknown $500,000 MI1 62
Knack Tattoos Many normal spells and unknown 10x  the energy cost listed for an item of the same type. 25x for an invisible tattoo MI1 62
Illusion-Rendering PDA Variant Complex Illusion $15,000 for desktop, $25,000 for laptop MI3 107
Lapis Potentissimus Powerstone Priceless and probably not for sale MI1 62
Lorestone History, Ancient History, Power $150,000 MI1 62
Madar (MAgical Detecting And Ranging) Secret, powerful variants of Detect Magic, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, and Seek Magic. $280,000 MI3 108
Mageโ€™s Seat Unknown priceless and normally immovable MI1 62-63
Magical Purge Dispel Magic (variant) $100,000 per hex radius MI1 63
Majick Collectorโ€™s Cards 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s: single-point Powercards.
6s, 7s and 8s: two-point Powercards.
9s and 10s: are spells with no prerequisites, except possibly Magery
Jacks: spells with a single level of prerequisites
Queens: spells with two levels of prerequisites
Kings: spells with three or four levels of prerequisites
Aces: any powerful spell
Jokers: Varies
$10,000 for a deck of 54 (counting jokers MI3 108
Mana Compass None $1,200 MI1 63
Mana Manipulator Ghost Weapon, variant Power 1, Steal Spell, possibly Steal Health, unknown others. $1,500,000 MI3 108-109
Mana Pool Powerstone ("Quirk") $500,000 MI1 63
Mana Ring low-power Analyze Magic variant $10,000 MI1 63
The Mana Star Not applicable Not applicable MI3 109-110
Mana Vortex Powerstone (Quirk) $10,000+ MI1 64
The Memory Palace of Raghuvir Kaur Variant Memorize. $1,000,000 MI3 110-111
Mirror of Discernment Know Illusion, See Invisible, See Secrets, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Shatterproof, unknown $1,500,000 (large). $2,000,000 (small) MI1 64
Morten Thordarsonโ€™s

Guide to Plants & Fungi

None $1,000 MI3 112
Nicodemusโ€™ Foolproof Laboratory Unknown (Shatterproof?) $5,000,000 MI1 64
Nameflower None A Nameflower must be given. If sold it loses all magic and withers in a few hours MI1 64
Omnipresent Crystal Lend Skill $15,000 MI1 64-65
Pentagram Disk Pentagram, Name, hypothetical โ€œExtendโ€ spell, unknown $3,000,000 MI1 65
Plane-Shifting Fork secret Enchantment spell $1,250,000 (more for desirable planes) MI1 65
Powerstone Charger Unknown (Charge Powerstone (Classic) variant?) $750,000 MI1 65
Powerstone Recharging Rack Unique Powerstone Recharging Rack spell $25,000 per stone held MI1 65
Powerstone Screen unique Powerstone Screen spell $15,000 MI1 65
Shielding Garments Scryguard (variant) $50,000 MI1 65
Spellcasterโ€™s Robe Lend Skill $100,000 MI1 65
Spell Engine Bracelets TL10 small, genius, supercompact spell


$250,000 per

bracelet, $16,000 per spell ROM

Timecrystal unknown (History? Ancient History? Crystal Ball?) $3,000,000 MI1 65
Warding Garments Ward, Reflect, Great Ward, and unknown Ward โ€“ $150,000, Reflect โ€“ $400,000, Great Ward โ€“ $1,000,000 MI1 65

Staves and Wands[]

Unless noted all these items have the Staff Enchantment.

Item Component Spells Asking Price Book Page
Ambrosiaโ€™s Wand Insect Control, Bird Control, Beast Speech, Windstorm, Water to Wine, Neutralize Poison, Perfect Illusion, Mage Sense, Light, Hide, Fear, Drunkenness, Sleep, Plant Sense, 5 points of Power and 3 of Speed, Unknown (variant Alter Body?) $5,000,000 (black market). MI1 66-67
Beast Staff Shatterproof, Accuracy +1, Puissance +2, Sense Life (limited variant), unknown $1,000,000 MI1 67
Burbaneโ€™s Staff Beast Speech, Total Paralysis, Sense Foes, Flesh to Stone, Walk on Air, Explosive Fireball, Ice Slick, Create Food, Major Healing, Dispel Illusion, Analyze Magic, Invisibility, Disintegrate, Conceal Magic (-10 to analyze), Suggestion, Apportation, Sense Spirit, Plant Form, Missile Shield, Great Voice, 5 points of Power, 5 of Speed $2,500,000 MI1 67
Coral Branch Clouds, Rain, Breathe Water, Beast Summoning variant, Power (5 points) $490,000 MI2 121
Decoy Staff Continual Light, False Aura, Link, Mage Sight (on the Link), Staff. $92,000 MI3 106
Earthstaff Secret $660,000 MI2 121
Enchanterโ€™s Staff Unknown $1,000,000 and up (black market). MI1 67
Endowment Staff Unknown $3,000,000 MI1 67-68
Kahlderโ€™s Staff Haste, Hinder, Levitate, Minor Healing, secret, variant Shape Earth $190,000 MI3 107
Lightning Staff Lightning (variant) $15,000 MI1 68
Mana Conduit Variant, high-powered Staff. $10/fatigue capacity/yard, minimum $100 MI3 108
Moon Staff Loyalty variant, Dark Vision, Power, unknown. $600,000 MI2 121
Nightwand Dark Vision, Darkness, Power $80,000 MI2 121
Staff of the Ebon Shepherd False Aura, Illusion Disguise, Control Zombie, Summon Spirit, Puissance, Shatterproofed, Resist Fire 2 (variant), Ghost Weapon, Limit, Power 6, Speed 6, Acid Jet, Age, Analyze Magic, Animate Shadow, Apportation, Astral Vision, Curse-Missile (for Strike Blind only), Death Vision, Deathtouch, Decay, Dehydrate, Disintegrate, Extinguish Fire, Insect Control, Invisibility, Madness, Mage-Stealth, Major Healing, Mind-Search, Missile Shield, Pain, Pestilence, Rooted Feet, See Secrets, Seek Gate, Seek Plant, Sense Spirit, Shape Earth, Spell Wall, Steal Health, Steal Strength, Stench, Sterilize, Strike Blind, and Walk Through Earth. Note: False Aura at Power 23, Limit at Power 25, and all other Spells at Power 20; $1,000,000 (w Limit)

$10,000,000 (Limit removed)

MI3 112-113
Sun Staff Fireball, Resist Fire, Loyal Sword variant, unknown. $600,000 MI2 121
Sylvan Staff 3 points of Power, 3 castings of Speed, Master, Rider, Beast Speech, Sense Life, Rain, Extinguish Fire, Resist Cold, Light, Night Vision, Seek Plant, Identify Plant, Heal Plant, Plant Growth, Bless Plant, Create Plant, Plant Sense, Plant Form, Sense Danger. $1,200,000 MI1 68
The Tiraa Case Unknown N/A MI3 113
Warning Rod Nightingale or Watchdog (secret variants) $15,000 (Watchdog), $18,000 (Nightingale) MI1 68


This combines several sections that don't really work as separate categories. The Orbs could be considered to be artifact level items as given the number of spells involved it is unlikely that any object would survive the normal enchantment method.

Item Component Spells Asking Price Book Page
Cauldron of Dreadful Aspect Complex Illusion $65,000 MI2 122
Chime of Impressive Service Create Servant, Power (1 point), unknown limiting enchantment. $80,000 MI2 125
Conversation Piece Hypothetical โ€œMirror Communicationโ€ spell $250,000 MI2 125
Dancing Silk Handkerchiefs Apportation $500 each MI2 122
Grand Dampener Unknown, Drain Mana variant? $300,000 MI2 122
Hat of Magery Unknown $350,000 MI2 122
Illusion Popper Dispel Illusion, Know Illusion variant, Power (4 points). $50,000 MI2 125
Levitation Platform Apportation variant $50,000 MI2 122
Magical Top Hat Create Animal $55,000 MI2 122
Orb of Death (Black Orb) All Necromantic Spells, Simple Illusion, hypothetical โ€œUndyingโ€ spell, unknown. $8,000,000 MI2 123
Orb of Knowledge (Golden Orb, Giver of Wisdom) Simple Illusion, all Knowledge spells, unknown $8,000,000 MI2 124
Orb of Life (Blessed Orb) Lend Skill, Simple Illusion, all Healing spells $8,000,000 MI2 124
Orb of Mastery (Sphere of Influence) Lend Skill, Loyalty, Simple Illusion, all Mind Control, unknown $8,000,000. MI2 124
Orb of Transformation (Blue Orb, Orb of Chaos, Orb of Mystery) All Illusion and Creation spells, Shapeshift, Illusion Disguise, unknown. $8,000,000 MI2 124
Phial of Mystic Mists Mystic Mist, Power (3 points) $80,000 MI2 126
Portable Alchemy Lab Hideaway variant, Preserve, Shatterproof, unknown $400,000 MI2 126
Portable Pentagram Pentagram variant $280,000 MI2 112
Rigid Rope Stiffen variant. $25,000 MI2 113
Wizardly Robe Lend Skill, Deflect, Fortify, Clean, Repair. $75,500 MI2 126

